May 15, 2015

Rexburg: my home away from home

If you were to ask me if I loved Rexburg, I'd tell you no. Most of the time when I'm at school, I complain about it a lot.. maybe its the terrible weather, or even the fact that I hate how small it is. But if you were to ask me tonight if I miss it.. I'd say heck yeah!

I think, I don't miss the town itself... I miss the things about it. It's funny how true the statement is, you don't realize how important something is until you don't have it anymore, or something along those lines. I'm really trying to be more appreciative of the things I have in my life and one of those things, is my lovely tiny home away from home: Rexburg, ID

I think the things I miss most are:

-The school

Now you're probably thinking I miss the school work, heck no I don't! But I miss the atmosphere of the campus. The feeling of safety I have as I walk to and from my classes. The importance of intertwining the gospel and our education. The religion classes. The small class sizes. Whenever you walk past someone, I can guarantee that 8 times out of 10 someone will either: smile, wave, or say hello to you. Now, if that does not make your day a tiny bit better, you need to wake up on the right side of the bed. However, don't get me wrong, sometimes it really caught me off guard or annoyed me when someone said "HELLO" at 8 am in the morning when I'm still half asleep walking to class. I really miss how beautiful the campus is during Fall. The colors of the trees and just everything.. so breath taking! Not only that, but YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE THE TEMPLE FROM ANYWHERE ON CAMPUS. Oh, and the school gym, it was free and who doesn't love that?

-my roommates/friends:

I got insanely lucky with my roommates Winter semester. How is it not fun to live with some of your best friends? You always have someone to hang out with. Granted, I was taking killer classes last semester so I really didn't socialize as much as I could've but, I still had a good time. I loved living with Natalie in the Willows. I loved all of my roommates and I miss them every day. Also, how great is it that you live so close to all your friends? I mean, all our guy friends lived a 5 min drive away and 15 min walk! We literally went to Zeek's so much, ate way too many fries, had too much ice cream, drive in movies, friday dates with Natalie, donated plasma, random photoshoots, and one time, we literally order 4 PIZZAS ON ACCIDENT! Ok, lemme tell you how it was on accident. So, I was walking home from giving plasma and of course I was starving. So I ordered Natalie and I a pizza. I called her and she told me she ordered a pizza. Then, I found out Taxx and Zander each ordered a pizza. We had four flipping pizzas. It was so funny.

Now, I still don't really LOVE Rexburg, but I had a great year there last year. I think I'm slowly starting to like it more. I am trying to really appreciate it and love it for what it has to offer! Sometimes you got to make the best out of what you have. Be grateful. It really is an amazing school, and place if you have the right mindset. Be appreciative for the little things in life, even the little town of Rexburg, ID.