Aug 8, 2016

I can do hard things.

Lately, I have been thinking about the hard things that I have had to go through. I am so grateful for those hard times and things that I went through because I wouldn't be the person I am now, without them.

Sometimes in life, we think, we can't do hard things. But we can!! Hard times come in life. Many times, we don't understand why they come either, but they do. They're here to test us and to determine what we do. Do we turn away from God, or do we turn towards him? Do we lean on the gospel for strength or just think we can do it on our own?

One thing I've learned through the hard times I've gone through is that, we need to turn towards God. We need to lean on the gospel, and help it strengthen us. This mortal life is hard. He knows it, we all know it. It sucks sometimes, but it can suck a lot less if we ask for help. He wants to help us. Sometimes, we just have to go through those hard times, trust and remember that the Lord is on your side. He is always there for you. No matter what. He has a plan for you. He loves you.

When we do go through those hard times in life and remember the blessings that are in store for us, we will be much happier. Hard times come and go, but the blessings that in store for us are much greater than the hard things we will go through.

I am so grateful for this gospel and for Christ. I'm grateful for the hard things I've gone through. The Lord loves you, he loves me. He knows us each individually and has a plan for us. He wants us to be happy. He doesn't want us to be upset.

You can do hard things. I can do hard things. We can all do hard things.