Oct 1, 2017

Conference Weekend Sunday Drives

This past weekend was one of my favorite times of the year! GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! I love conference weekend so much! Its where I get spiritually fed and physically fed with amazing food and dont feel guilty about not doing anything all weekend. Its where we can listen to ordained living Apostles and our Prophet, where the Spirit speaks through them and we are able to hear answers to questions and prayers that may have been weighing heavy on our minds.

I was pretty busy this weekend so I wasn't able to hear all of it, but the some of the talks I did hear I felt so much comfort and reassurance from. I loved Elder Bednars talk on the importance of going to church and the temple. I loved President Eyring's talk as well! I cant wait to listen to the rest of the ones I didn't get to hear :) One of my favorite quotes was from Elder Zwick's talk that was, "Remember to put Jesus Christ at the center of your life today."-Beau It was a great reminder for me that when I do, I will not be strayed with any decision that may come may way. One other reminder that was much needed for me was President Nelsons talk on the importance of Scripture study- I find it so hard to get my studying in-I'm not sure why- I think its because I tend to put school studying first when I should be putting my scripture studying first- but he said that when we put scripture studying first and make sure to do it every single day we will find decisions will be made easier, trials won't seem as hard, we will be stronger against Satan's temptations. How amazing of a promise is that?! I've been trying to do at least 10 minutes before homework and I'm going to try to make sure I do it- every.single.day for the month of October, then November, and so forth.

Katie, Paige and I were the only ones home around the middle of the afternoon session so we decided to listen to the rest of it and go on a drive to the Palisades and BOY AM I GLAD WE DID!! I love Fall time- all the colors are beautiful and vibrant. I took Katie's grad pictures cause she graduates this semester (sad dont leave me katie!!) but, it was so much fun! Ah, I love sunday drives so much. It was freezing- but so worth it. I cant believe we will be starting week 4 of the semester here- I feel like we've been here for 7 weeks already. But, its just getting started- yikes!