Feb 1, 2018

Nobody likes you when you're 23... well I hope that people still like me.


Okay, so I used to be way good at writing on my blog. I almost used to write every month. I need to be better at it. Ok- so I literally say that every time I write so I should probably change that and actually stick to my word??? 

So January felt literally like a million years?! Is that just me? Or is everyone else feeling the same?

I started a new semester and its my second to last before I graduate! Next semester I just have my internship and one class to take and I'm DONE WITH MY BACHELORS? Excuse me what? Thats insane. 

I moved into a new apartment complex this semester because the Willows was turned into a mens apartment building... RIP THE WILLOWS!! Its now Cedars Men and I live across the street in Cedars Women. I love it but also there are things that are really frustrating. But, you know, that happens I guess when you move into a brand new apartment. Its really weird not having Katie here at school with me. Katie if your'e reading this I MISS YOU. Idk if she reads my blog but, lol who knows. 

I love my new roommates though!! I've known two of them, (Kiersten and Kayla) from the past two semesters and lived with Natalie and Kaitlyn before and now we got Alyse which was a random person at first but i frickinnnnn loveeeeee her!!!!! She is so funny, chill, down to literally do anything even when I say like "hey wanna go to soda vine?" shes always always down. I love it. We all get along so well in my apartment! which is a BLESSING. We love the same shows, music, and weird jokes. Kaitlyn got us all hooked again on vine complications which is so fun. 

If you haven't seen this vine. 1) I feel sorry for you 2) go watch it right now. 

My favorite part of this month was obviously my birthday ;) My least favorite part? Backing into a car and denting my trunk and then burning my hand the next week. BUT HEY IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH. If you dont know this already- I love birthdays. I love celebrating other people's birthdays and making them feel so special on THEIR DAY and I also love celebrating my birthday. Want to watch Grey's Anatomy all day on your birthday? I'LL WATCH WITH YOU. Want to go on hike? IM DOWN. Want to have a huge birthday party? I'll be your party planner. I will do whatever that person wants to do. Literally anything. So, my roommates and bffs did JUST THAT. I got swarmed with texts and fb posts from people I love and care about all day. My roommates at midnight took me to McDonalds to get chicken nuggets and Diet Coke. I woke up TO THE LIVING ROOM DECORATED and the fridge literally stocked full of Diet Coke. I am so blessed. Later that night we went to Red Robin for dinner and had some more people over for cake, soda, games for my birthday! Something that is so very important to me is my friends. I love my friends and it makes me feel so so special when we do things together and everyone is just together having a fun time! So my heart was beaming. 

This month has been great. Its finally February. As much as I love January I AM SO HAPPY WE ARE ONTO A NEW MONTH! Also my classes seem way too easy right now? I know I'm going to be feeling like I got hit by a truck and regret saying that soon- BUT its been great. Lots of laughs, lots of dancing to new music, lots of movies, and just so many memories. Heres to the month of February!