Dec 27, 2014


I'm so sad that Christmas is over only 362 days left till next christmas! ;) But, just because Christmas is over doesn't mean we have to stop spreading the Christmas cheer of Christ-like love and happiness. We should always strive to "Share the Gift" which is Jesus Christ. He is the first gift, the greatest gift of all!! This Christmas season was so great! I got to spend it with Family, which is the best! Also, I got to skype IAN!!!!!! Best present ever, something money can't buy. (THANK YOU PETTYS FOR LETTING ME IN ON THE VIDEO CALL!!!)

Christmas Eve, every year we go to my Grandma's house and have soup and sandwiches, open presents from Santa who comes early to our house, and from cousins and siblings. It is always fun spending time with family, especially my nephew Jackson! He's starting to talk and his voice is SO ADORABLE. Then Christmas day, we opened presents, I skyped Ian in the morning and went to go see the movie, Unbroken. I highly, recommend you all go and see it!!!!

I hope everyone else's christmas was as wonderful and happy as mine :) Lets remember its not about the material things but the gifts of spending time with family, making memories and spreading love and cheer like our Savior, Jesus Christ would want us to! Hope you all have a great New Year!


Dec 21, 2014


As Christmas is just right around the corner, a lot of thoughts have been coming to mind what the meaning of Christmas is and how we should celebrate it. I want to know, what do YOU think of you think of "Christmas"?

I think of:

The list goes on and on. In the talk given by Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson from this years Christmas Devotional she said:

"As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this season, let us also celebrate all that His birth symbolizes, especially the love. When we see shepherds, may we remember to be humble. When we see wise men, may we remember to be generous. When we see the star, may we remember the Light of Christ, which gives life and light to all things. When we see a tiny baby, may we remember to love unconditionally, with tenderness and compassion. May we open the doors of our hearts and reach out to those around us who are lonely, forgotten, or poor in spirit. As we contemplate the example and infinite sacrifice of the Savior, may we also consider how we can be more Christlike in our associations with family and friends, not just during this season but throughout the year."

Recently the Church created a video about how Jesus Christ is the gift. you can watch it here at: It is an amazing video and a great reminder that God's first and greatest gift to us was his son, Jesus Christ. We must try to remember to "#SharetheGift" in ways of being Christlike, spreading the joy that we feel from our Savior, Jesus Christ, The love that God has for all of us. This doesn't have to stop after Christmas. We should try to Share the Gift all year round! Have that joy and happiness we feel about celebrating Christ's birth all year! We need to be more Christ-like all the time in any way we can. I thought of some ways I can share the gift:

-I will try to smile at strangers more!

-I will acknowledge people's Gift's and Talents
-I will try to speak only kind things of people
-I will look for the best in people, not the worst
-I will remember my worth, that I am a daughter of a King, and remind people of their worth as well.

Now what I want to know is, how will YOU share the gift?! What are your thoughts this Christmas season? 

I love this Gospel, this Christmas season. I am very grateful for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ and the love he has for each of us; how he wants us to HAVE that love and to SPREAD that love! Have a Merry Christmas everyone and a great Sabbath day!


ps: here is an AWESOME video that the Piano Guy's did that broke a World Record!

Dec 18, 2014

Fall Semester 2014: CHECK!

Well, I did it! Another semester in the books. Fall Semester 2014 is DONE! I finished checking out of the IVY and now I just have to wait until I get on the shuttle and head to SLC to fly home! I am so excited to be home for this Christmas season! ONE MORE WEEK TILL CHRISTMAS! I love this time of year :) I am so grateful for this semester! I've learned so much but had so much fun too! I took a class where I learned about interior design, I learned how to sew and I've learned how to cook other meals! I'm grateful for the friends I've made, the experiences I've had, the opportunity I've been given to have this time to grow as a person, focus on developing my talents, gaining knowledge and learning how to come closer to my Heavenly Father. I'm becoming the person I've always wanted to be, it just took me a little bit to get there. I'm not completely there yet, but I am far from where I was. Lets reflect back on the goals I made at the beginning of the semester:

1. Get into shape!
2. Get all A's!
3. Have FUN with my friends!
4. Strengthen my relationship/testimony with my Heavenly Father

1. I am still working on getting into shape! haha It takes a while! I am soooo far from where I WAS and closer to where I want to be! Next semester will be so much better because I will live closer to the school's gym and I will be taking classes where we EXERCISE! So I will be getting so much exercise in! I will eat healthier too.. this semester I wasn't...the best.

2. I did NOT get all A's... This semester was tough! I took a lot of credits and didn't expect it to be that hard! But next semester, I'm shooting high for better grades! 

3. I definitely had fun. I've made so many memories! I have done so much this semester and learned to actually have fun in Rexburg ;) I have so many ideas and places to show Ian when he is back at school with me! I cannot wait! But I really have had fun and maybe sometimes too much fun and not focused enough on school but I will be better! I'm grateful for my friends here! I don't know what I'd do without them. 

4. I have learned so much about myself and my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for what I've learned. I am better at saying my daily prayers and reading scriptures which I've seen SO many blessings from! I have gained a testimony of saying prayer and fasting. I have seen in my own life that when I pray with a sincere heart for things in my life I see my Heavenly Father pronounce blessings to me. It is amazing! I am so grateful for the power of prayer and the tender mercies, blessings and love I receive from my Heavenly Father. I am continuing to strengthen my relationship with him and gaining an even stronger testimony. I am never done learning! 

I can't wait to be home but I am grateful for all I've learned from this Fall semester! Excited for what Winter 2015 semester will bring! But for now, it's time to celebrate CHRISTMAS!!!!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 

Dec 6, 2014

M I S S Y || portraits

Today I got to take pictures of one of my goooood dearest bestest friends Missy Minor. She is absolutely stunning and so photogenic. I love taking pictures! It's fun to feel like a "photographer" sometimes. Take a look! 

wanna see more? check out my vsco... 

Dec 4, 2014

hello december.

what the flip. how is it december? 2 weeks left of this semester...what! I have done nothing productive today towards studying...looks like I will have a lot to do this weekend. Finals are coming up and as I am sitting here procrastinating studying and working out (which I usually never do). I thought I'd share with you what I did today.

My best friend, Natalie Fisher has a photography business and took pictures of my roommates and I. take a look!

cute huh? she's awesome. check out her photography page! Now, I should probably get back to studying. May the curve be ever in your favor as you are studying for your finals too! eeep.
