Dec 21, 2014


As Christmas is just right around the corner, a lot of thoughts have been coming to mind what the meaning of Christmas is and how we should celebrate it. I want to know, what do YOU think of you think of "Christmas"?

I think of:

The list goes on and on. In the talk given by Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson from this years Christmas Devotional she said:

"As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this season, let us also celebrate all that His birth symbolizes, especially the love. When we see shepherds, may we remember to be humble. When we see wise men, may we remember to be generous. When we see the star, may we remember the Light of Christ, which gives life and light to all things. When we see a tiny baby, may we remember to love unconditionally, with tenderness and compassion. May we open the doors of our hearts and reach out to those around us who are lonely, forgotten, or poor in spirit. As we contemplate the example and infinite sacrifice of the Savior, may we also consider how we can be more Christlike in our associations with family and friends, not just during this season but throughout the year."

Recently the Church created a video about how Jesus Christ is the gift. you can watch it here at: It is an amazing video and a great reminder that God's first and greatest gift to us was his son, Jesus Christ. We must try to remember to "#SharetheGift" in ways of being Christlike, spreading the joy that we feel from our Savior, Jesus Christ, The love that God has for all of us. This doesn't have to stop after Christmas. We should try to Share the Gift all year round! Have that joy and happiness we feel about celebrating Christ's birth all year! We need to be more Christ-like all the time in any way we can. I thought of some ways I can share the gift:

-I will try to smile at strangers more!

-I will acknowledge people's Gift's and Talents
-I will try to speak only kind things of people
-I will look for the best in people, not the worst
-I will remember my worth, that I am a daughter of a King, and remind people of their worth as well.

Now what I want to know is, how will YOU share the gift?! What are your thoughts this Christmas season? 

I love this Gospel, this Christmas season. I am very grateful for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ and the love he has for each of us; how he wants us to HAVE that love and to SPREAD that love! Have a Merry Christmas everyone and a great Sabbath day!


ps: here is an AWESOME video that the Piano Guy's did that broke a World Record!

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