Sep 7, 2015

culture shock is real.

So, this week was hard for all of us. It started out great! We all got flowers from our students on Tuesday, because it was National Learning Day and every teacher gets flowers. But, then the week just got harder. The biggest culture shock I have seen here, is the lack of respect the younger kids have for adults and teachers.

We had one student rip up her paper and say to the teacher "I'm not doing this. I don't have to do this." Then walking out. I've had several eye rolls, and students just not writing the things down. One girl came into Annie's classroom in the middle of class talking to her friend in Lithuanian and Annie said to her she can't do that and you need to go back to your own class. Her response? "No you can wait. I need to talk to her. She's my friend". That happened to Annie THREE TIMES. I've even seen some parents disrespect Dima our Local Coordinator. I teach pre-language and Dima asked some of the parents to leave the room and they just stared at him and didn't leave. I've had kids make one of the other teachers cry they were being so rude. One student was pushing and shoving Annie and I out the door. They throw fits like they're 2 years old in the middle of class. So many other things too.

The thing is, we found out that it's not just us they do it to. We were riding the bus into old town on Saturday and these boys I'd say around the age of 11 or 12, were kicking each other and messing around and there was this old man that said something to them, probably along the lines of "be careful you'll get hurt." The kids just crossed their arms and did like a "whatever" kinda look and laughed at him. THEN, the girls and I who go to church was talking to this couple who lives here for the husbands job and HE asked US if we've had trouble with disrespect. They said that it is terrible and their kids see it all the time in their school. Kids here think its normal and the parents think that their children would never do such a thing.

I know I might sound like I'm complaining, I love it here and I love the kids but teachers should never ever get treated with disrespect. Especially here when your parents are paying a lot of money for you to come and learn and for us to be here as well. I have been gaining a new found respect for teachers I've had and teachers in general. I love the kids here with all my heart don't get me wrong but some weeks are harder than others and this was one of them. This is the biggest culture shock for me.

I'm grateful I get to be here and help these children. It's just hard sometimes. Attitude is everything. Being positive is everything. Showing them and leading by example will help them, I know it. It just takes time. I can't believe I'm already starting my 4th week here!!!! It's crazy.. I know time is going to start picking up faster and faster.

The weekend was fun though! We were all mentally and physically exhausted from this week that after we got done Friday we just came home, made dinner, laid in bed and watched movies. Saturday we slept in and went out to lunch for McCall's birthday that was on Sunday with Dima's family at this yummy Brazilian restaurant. Then we came back and all bought our tickets to POLAND for this month!!! I'm so excited. We're going to Krakow which is where Auschwitz concentration camp is and we're going to do a tour of it. Then we're going to Zakopane for a day too. Then Saturday night there was this big festival in old town called "Capitol Days" where theres music, food vendors, and people selling art and stuff on the streets! It kind of reminds me of a derby days almost! We went and got ice cream and just walked around it was nice. Then Sunday was McCall's birthday and after church we got invited to the break the fast at the senior missionary couples apartment! We had delicious food. Chicken cordon bleu and veggies and pasta! It was so so so yummy. After that we came back to our apartment and Annie made McCall homemade pumpkin chocolate chip cookies from scratch. We couldn't find canned pumpkin so, Annie ROASTED A PUMPKIN and scrapped it all. Made the cookies everything. They were so so so good.

Overall, even though the week was hard there was definitely some high lights. One of the kids I work with who has been struggling reading/sounding out words read a word on the board on Friday!!! I was SO happy!!!!!! Its those little things that make me so so so happy. I love it. I miss my family, my dog, America and the mountains and everything about home some days more than others but, I love the kids I really do. I'm so grateful I get to be here and I know there will be tough days or weeks, but the good days/weeks will out number the bad. Attitude is everything. Positivity is key. You get to decide how you act, think, do. In the words of Al Fox, "Don't let a bad day, make you feel like you have a bad life. Just relax, enjoy life and enjoy it being completely true to who you are and who God wants you to be."

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