Sep 23, 2015


Well, last weekend we went to Poland! We get 3 different vacation times and this was the first one! We get two 4 days and one 10 day! This was one of the 4 days. We were going to first Krakow, Poland and then Zakopane, Poland.

So, Thursday night we left to go to the bus station to take a night bus all the way to Krakow. It.was.long. But, the nice thing was the two busses we rode had TV screens in the seat in front of us so we could watch movies! I luckily had some dramamine still that I took because I get super bad motion sickness, and so I basically slept the whole way there. At points I would wake up and look out the window and the country side of Poland is GORGEOUS.

Our bus arrived in Krakow, Friday morning at 11 AM! We first had to take out some money from the ATM because unfortunately, Poland doesn't use euros. BOOOOOOO! But, its okay, their money is so pretty! We were all starving so we decided to find somewhere to eat. Luckily the bus station had little restaurants and we settled on this burrito place. IT WAS SO DELICIOUS. Oh my gosh. My tummy was so happy. Finally after we finished eating, hung out for a little, we went to go find our hostel.

Krakow is so pretty! All the green everywhere made my heart so happy. All the buildings and the detail on them is so gorgeous. Finally we arrived at our hostel and unpacked and washed up because we all felt disgusting from being on a bus all night long. After that we decided to head out and explore the town of Krakow :) It was so much fun! We went to the big castle they have there next to their old town and square, and just had fun walking around! There were carriage rides all over the center square it was so magical. After that we all decided we were getting tired so we went back and relaxed at our hostel. For dinner we went to this cute salad dinner place and I had THE BEST pumpkin soup ever. I've never had pumpkin soup before, but that was the best if I ever do have it. We were all so exhausted so after dinner, we got home around 8:00 and we were all just ready for bed.

The next day we woke up around 7:00 to get ready to go meet with tour group for Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps. I knew going in, that it would be a lot to take in and boy it was. It was amazing, sad, eye opening, mind blowing to be walking where so many innocent lives taken and where history unfortunately took place.

We first went to Auschwitz I camp. That was... wow. We learned a lot about the "process" and what people went through and thought was going to happen when they were coming to the camp. How they would literally be on trains for days without food or water. I mean, I remember learning a lot about this all in School but it is INCREDIBLY different walking and being there. We walked through the bunks where sick, disgusting, "medical experiments" would take place. A lot of this camp was turned into a "museum" in terms of teaching a LOT of history and it was just so much to taken in. All the new things I learned too made me sick. One "block" or building we went into had the hair they shaved off the people's head and I cannot explain to you how sick that made me. I am still unable to wrap my mind around what I saw. Then we saw all the briefcases, shoes, hair brushes, glasses, cups, bowls, plates, clothes, dolls, "work outfits" and so much more. When we walked into each room our tour guide reminded us, "One item = one life lost." We also went into the torture chambers where they would do unspeakable things to people and it just made me sick and heartbroken for what all of those people went through. Finally the last part of the portion of the tour was walking through the gas chamber... I couldn't believe it. It is so hard to put into words what I felt there.

The second part of the tour was spent at Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. I cannot even begin to explain how in awe I was at how big it was. It honestly went on for miles. It made me so sad! We walked through and learned more about the history of it. How they tried to "cover up" what they did by burning the gas chambers but the ruins were all still there. There was this huge memorial there too and there was a saying in 22 different languages that says, "For ever let this place be a cry of despair and a warning to humanity where the Nazi's murdered about one and a half million men, women, and children many Jews from various countries of Europe." It was so sad. The whole day was just so emotional and its hard to put into words.

After we got back from the tour, we ate some food it was SO YUMMY!! Then we decided to go to the old Jewish Quarters in Krakow and explore. It was really cool to see everything! We also went to try this bagel place that is amazing. How? I do not know. I'm still thinking about it right now. Yup, wishing I had a bagel sandwich from Bagel Mama. Yummooo. Then McCall, Annie and I went to go get some hot chocolate because we were freezing. We also got a donut. I promise we do more things than just eat. We just chatted and chatted. I love those two so so much.

Sunday morning we left for Zakopane! Oh my goodness that place is GORGEOUS. It is a tiny town and in the mountains and my heart was just so so so so soooo happy. We went on a nature hike and just randomly explored. We had dinner at this yummy kebab place and the kebab was HUGE. Oh my gosh. So we were only there for the whole day sunday and monday morning. Sunday was so foggy and rainy and cold but it was magical. Poland is magical. I love it!

Then, monday afternoon, we left for our long long loooonnggg journey back home. It was long. We got home tuesday morning. Annie and I were so exhausted that we got home around 9 am, we passed out. We woke up at 1 in the afternoon to go to lunch. I'm so happy I got to Poland and I cannot wait for our 10 day vacation!!!!


  1. I loove reading your blog, and living my Lithuania life all over again. I know exactly what you mean and what you are feeling. I love you and so proud of you even though we don't know each other. I was there in Jan to May. It's my home.

    1. Oh my goodness you are so sweet! I love it here so much. I'm glad you found my blog :) I love you too girl! <3 Thanks so much for your support :) You did ILP?? I'd love to tell Dima you said hi if you want! :)
