Oct 12, 2015

Two Months down?! Halfway done???

Okay I cannot believe how fast time is flying here in Lithuania. We've already been here for two months now and that means we're halfway done??? EXCUSE ME WHAT? Its crazy to me. This last month has flown by. I swear it was just the beginning of September? Then we only have two weeks of teaching left for October because the last week of this month we have our 10 day vacation. Then after that, time will fly even more.

This last month honestly has felt like a blur. I don't even know where to begin.. I guess since I last posted, we went to Poland for our first "official" vacation. That was a lot of fun but also very tiring because the last day was basically traveling all day long. Which is never fun. We spent about, 16 hours total on busses. I ran out of dramamine so I was getting pretty car sick, but luckily I didn't puke like I did on my flight from Seattle to JFK! Phew! 

Some weekends we just stayed in because we were so emotionally and physically tired from the school week. Other weekends we explored around Vilnius! My parents sent me the best package on the earth and I will admit, I was getting very irritable waiting for it to come because it took 3 weeks and I overreacted when it wouldn't come some days, but hey sometimes your emotions get the best of you hahaha! oops, sorry roommates! But I got it and now I have a supply of goodies that I'm rationing to last me until I come home. Lots of GOGO-squeezes, protein bars, nutri grain bars, peanut butter, cheese-its, and other yummy food! I am so so so grateful for my parents. They're the best. 

We had conference weekend this past month! Well, it was just last weekend. For conference weekend, we decided that we didn't want to wait a whole week to hear it, (they just watched it here) so we streamed it live. It was on 7pm and 11 pm our time. Sure we stayed up late but it was SO worth it. I love love loved conference weekend. Its hard to pick a favorite but some of mine were: Uchtdorf, Hales, Monson, Keetch, Nelson, Holland, Oaks and Schwitzer. I felt like conference was exactly what I needed. I have such an overwhelming feeling of joy and desire to be more like my Savior. I'm trying to be better and more like him in every way possible and conference was just the reminder I needed.

Here's one of my favorite quotes from conference: 

Also! Annie, McCall and I have been going to Institute. The actual class with everyone else is at night and we can't make it then. But the senior missionary couple here is so incredibly amazing that they decided to make a class for us and teach us Wednesdays at 11 am! So, we have our own little class with them at their apartment :) They have been so incredibly welcoming and loving. They have made it easier being away from home. They are a wonderful example to me of being selfless and christ like love. I have love love loved institute so far. I am learning so much. We are right now focusing all on Jesus Christ and the everlasting gospel! My testimony is being strengthened and my relationship with my Heavenly Father has been growing. I am so grateful for institute. We love you Elder and Sister Nuttall!! 

Last week it was Annie's birthday and so we had pizza on her actual birthday and then her mom and brother came into town for the weekend! Annie hung out with them and showed them around most all of Vilnius and then Friday and Saturday Annie, McCall and I hung out with them. Saturday we showed them St. Ann's Cathedral and went to Uzupis which is a sovereign state in Vilnius. Its pretty funny. Then, we went to the Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso Art Exhibit which was really cool to see.

Overall, I love teaching but it is exhausting.. I mean it always will be BUT i've had so many good moments. I give teachers soon much props it is HARD work. I can barely handle the amount of time I teach cause its exhausting! I mean, I love my kids so so so much but I can't imagine teaching as long as real teachers, teach!! I think my favorite group to teach is my level 1 kids and then pre-language. I know I'm probably not supposed to have favorites BUT, I do. Level 1 kids are so so so funny. One of my students farted three different times in class and one of them smelled like she probably should've gone to the bathroom. Her name is Agata and she is the funniest, strangest child I have ever met. My level one kids get really crazy, one day they actually sounded like howling monkeys. I honestly do not know how to describe them because they're so funny, yet so weird.

Heres one of the best moments I have had since being here. One student of mine in level one has been struggling for weeks on his spelling tests and would not even take them. He would break down in tears and just crumple up his paper. Two weeks ago for the first time EVER he got 100%. I wanted to jump up and down for joy, hug him so so tight and just tell him how proud I was of him! Of course, I did all three things. Now, for the past three tests he has gotten 100% !!!!!!! Not only that he would barely speak in class, not ever say my name, wouldn't participate. Now he always asks me for help, says my name, participates and has so much more confidence in himself. It makes my heart sooooo happy.

My pre-language kids are so lovable. They will just come up to me and give me hugs and pat my back. So cute and it warms my heart so much. Their smiles just make your heart so so happy! My level 2 kids are pretty dang funny too. One kid just talks about his goats that his grandma has in her backyard. Anytime we draw something that has to do with a garden or your house, he will draw goats with them. I know without a doubt in my mind that saying goodbye to these kids will break my heart and I will definitely be leaving a little piece of my heart here with them.

I cannot wait for what this next half of the semester will bring. More laughs than anything that's for sure. I got dang lucky because I don't know what I would do without Annie or McCall. The other girls are pretty great here too. However, I hope I don't freeze to death in the next week or so because our apartment is like a frozen tundra because in Vilnius the city controls when they turn on the heat... we don't get to. So, we have no heat in our apartment right now BUT Im so grateful I am here. Little things like this are making me realize how lucky and good we have it in the States. I love Lithuania, the experiences and memories I am making here. I know without a doubt in my mind this is what I needed to be doing in my life. These kids, my life long friendships I'm making, the travel experiences and all the memories I have and will continue to make will impact me in some way. Heres to halfway done!!!

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