Dec 20, 2016


Seeing how I'm home for Christmas break and I haven't posted much about school I thought I should probably write about this past semester.

First and foremost- holy cow- how did Fall Semester fly by so quickly?!?! It was so much fun but I feel like it all happened in a blink of an eye.

It was filled with:

-Road trips to Utah (lots of them)
-Puppy Barn
-Way too much Diet Coke
-Long days at the library
-Binge watching of Netflix series (Parks and Rec... Stranger Things...)
-Costco Trip
-David Archuleta Christmas Concert
-Thanksgiving break
-Football and Basketball games

and lots and lots of laughing.

I think my favorite thing about this past semester was one of my many road trips with Katie down to Utah where we hung out in Provo for friday night + Saturday and then drove up to see Jordan and Andrew and I took their anniversary pictures. I love Katie and our road trips together but I think that was my favorite because we spent it at puppy barn, saw my brotha from another motha Kohlmann, shopped, ate good food, laughed a lot and made memories with good friends. I actually just love love love Utah.

Since spring semester/summer/beginning of this semester, I've been really debating on what I wanna do with my major/future career and I finally figured it out! Well, Katie actually inspired me last semester, and I did some more research this semester on how to get it done...but... I want to become a registered dietitian (yay!!!!) but I can't do that with my bachelors degree from byu-i so I've been doing some research and am going to apply to University of Utah's Masters Program in Nutrition and I'm so so so excited! (but don't worry I still don't like the Utes) So, after I'm done at BYU-I I'll be living there in Utah for a year to obtain residency, complete my internship for BYUI and then apply to graduate school.

I also changed my major this semester to Public Health-- its easier to complete my pre-reqs with that major and everything easily transferred over! I'm super excited.

This past semester was all around really good. I made a lot of new friends, carved lots of pumpkins, made gingerbread houses, had many sleepovers with Katie, convinced Katie to move in with me next semester, probably ate our weight in peanut butter m&m's (one time we bought the party size bag and ate it the whole weekend once when we went to Utah), drank lots of diet coke (or dr.pepper for katie) with lime, or cherry limeades from sonic with Meredith, and lots of studying.

I learned a lot from this past semester and I cannot wait for winter semester! I love this time of year even though I HATE how cold Rexburg gets!! One thing I gained was a greater testimony for one of God's greatest creations- our bodies! I retook an anatomy class because I wanted to boost my GPA and not have a C for that class because its one of the pre-reqs for Grad School and my teacher, incorporated the Gospel into each lecture and it was amazing! My testimony and gratitude for his creation increased. I love this gospel and am so grateful for the opportunity I have to learn more about the human body.

I'm so excited for winter semester! Katie and I will be rooming together, its my birthday month, its the start of a new year, i'm taking exciting classes and i'm excited for all the memories that I will make!

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Utah Mountains oh my!!!

First ever BYU football game!!! so fun AND THEY WON! Go Cougs!

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