Jul 25, 2017


Another semester done and guess what that means...


I am so happy to be done for 7 weeks and to really do nothing. I mean, I will be doing some job shadowing and babysitting but that is the most "work" I will be doing. To be honest with you... I find that stuff fun! I mean, I also find school fun.. but going non stop from September - July (with SOME breaks in between) is exhausting and you just need a nice long break. 

Spring semester is always my favorite. People are happier, Karie Anne's is in Rexburg, you can be outside with out a jacket on, the days seem longer, its totally normal to eat ice cream more than three times during the week, the list goes on. 

The only sad or bad thing about Spring Semester in Rexburg is while its nice outside and the sun is shining. Its hot. While I love the heat... you cannot wear shorts on campus!!!!! So, jeans it is. Sometimes I would wear a dress but I don't have enough "casual" dresses where I wouldn't get asked why I'm dressed up if it wasn't Tuesday (devotional day where its totally acceptable to wear church clothes during the week without getting questioned about it). 


One fun thing I did this semester was Katie and I drove all the way to Seattle for Memorial Day weekend!!!! It was so much fun showing her my hometown and all the fun things to do in Seattle. We also go to go to our old roommate, Kelsey's, wedding! Kelsey and I actually grew up in the same town so that was a win win for us to come home for that! On top of showing her around, it was BEAUTIFUL weather in Washington! Summer's in Washington are the best. The green in the trees seem more beautiful than before, Mount Rainer can be seen as clear as ever, the breeze feels nice with the sun shining. It was hilarious to hear Katie's reaction the whole time we drove home, but immediately as we hit Snoqualmie Pass. 

"Its so green!"

I think I heard "its so green" so many times- but thats what I love about Washington. You've been to green places but when you come to the PNW in the Summer- that green is a different kind of green that you just can't explain. 

Being from the Seattle area, you go to Pike Place market... a lot. I never get sick of it but it is just so exciting taking someone who has never been! We of course went to the Fremont Troll, climbed up top and snapped a picture. My parents were with us too and it was funny to hear them say that they've never visited the troll either!! I was shocked. But, it was fun to try to climb up. 

Then we drove to Kerry Park which if you are planning on going to Seattle soon.. you need to go there. The view of the Seattle Skyline was so beautiful! It was a clear day and so you could see Mt. Rainer perfectly. Then we went to Pike Place and walked around the whole thing. We stopped of course at the gorgeous flowers. It was peony season and they were .... HUGE. I wanted to buy some and take them back to Rexburg with me but I knew they wouldn't last. :( I was so sad. We got lemonade at the juice place and it was so delicious... it was so hot that we drank the whole thing so fast. We also saw the cutest dog sitting in the basket of a bike and it was hilarious cause he had flowers surrounding him and wearing goggles you could barely see him!!

Then later that day we went to the wedding reception and I finally saw Natalie!!!! She had gotten home from her mission a week before and it made me so so happy to see her. It was actually longer than 18 months that I had seen her because she left after I had left for Lithuania. 

The next day after church we drove to Snoqualmie Falls and it was gorgeous again!!! So we walked down to the lower part and go pretty close. Then we had a BBQ with my grandma and parents which was fun and then headed back for Rexburg the next day.

Besides Memorial Day weekend Spring semester was so much fun. Oh and I cant forget about the 4th of July boy was that.... I dont even know. I was so upset about not getting my dang Mexican Corn!!!!! Alyssa, Me and her two friends went to Idaho Falls after we went to Rigby Lake with Katie and Amy too. In Idaho Falls they had all these food trucks and I decided that I was going to wait in line for the Mexican Corn and right as I was getting up there to get mine they stopped taking cards. So I had Alyssa wait for me in line, ran to the mobile ATM and then that was broken!! So I got back and begged them to see if they were actually not taking card anymore and they said no. I had waited in line for over 30 minutes and got no corn. I was so upset and mad!!! But its okay it was still fun. 

Overall, Spring semester was a blast. It was filled with lots of ice cream, pizza, dog snuggles, floating the river, spending time at Rigby lake, Fitness Marshall (its like zumba but I dont even know how to describe it), beautiful sunsets, bonfires for Brooke's Birthday!!! AND lots of laughs. Oh and of course... studying my brains out. It was a really hard semester balancing work, (side note: I got a job as TA for NUTRITION 150!!) and all my studying but I did it. I spent a lot of hours on campus and in the library but it was so worth it! I had the most amazing roommates and I loved all the memories we made together this semester!

Now for summer break and spending all my time outside in the sun and fresh air!! I cant wait. 


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