Apr 13, 2017


Another semester in the books. This semester was obviously- freezing. I remember the first day of classes the temperature outside said "-4 but feels like -30". HAHA For about ....1 week maybe 2? If I remember. I LIVE IN A FROZEN TUNDRA.

But, Rexburg has a special place in my heart so deep down even though I wanted to cry every day when the temperature was that cold... I would remind myself it will warm up soon enough.

Last week Katie said to me, "remember when we would walk to class and our nose hairs would freeze?" hahaha Oh good times when we literally wanted to cry walking to class- but couldnt because they would probably freeze. 

Honestly, Winter Semester 2017 was GREAT. Here are the highlights from this semester:

I TURNED 22!! 

You better believe I listened to that song all.freaking.day.long. Taylor Swift is my home girl. My cheese to my macaroni, My ying to my yang. Side note: One time in 2015 I did a facebook celebrity look alike quiz and I got that I look like Taylor Swift. So obviously I knew that was 100% correct. I will always and forever stand up for my girl. Funny story- in high school I always called her Horse Girl because she was very country and it didnt fit her. But then 1989 was born and boy oh boy did I become a hardcore taylor swift fan. Anyways not the point. 

My birthday was honestly, so great. Katie made it so perfect. All day I got texts and calls from family and friends. Katie had bought me a "birthday girl" pin and she made me wear it all day. So, you can imagine what happened on campus. At points I would forget and random strangers would come up to me and wish me a happy birthday. I was in class till 5:00 and then my roommates and I + Spencer (Kelsey's fiance) went to Texas Roadhouse for my birthday. Our waitress was actually super funny and super salty. I told her it was my birthday and the whole night she kept making jokes about it like that just cause it was my birthday doesn't mean I'm the center of attention. At points I was confused if she was actually joking or serious because homegirl had a good poker face. 

Later that night I had a bunch of friends over for cake and music. I had about 5 songs on the playlist but you know what we listened to the most? 22. Also Alyssa brought over her brothers puppy and that was also SO GREAT. I love dogs more than the average person I know. But, they bring joy and happiness into your life and are so cute. How could you not love them??

Also my good friends Tanner Chatterly and Bekah Sevy took pictures of me for my 22nd birthday and that was always so much fun. I love them both so much.

real life this is my face when I saw a puppy

Another highlight?


Now, I wont say much about this other than that it was the best decision I have made in a long time. I made a step closer in my relationship with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and I am so incredibly glad I did. It was what I needed to do in my life. It was the next step I needed to take. Theres a peace and comfort I cannot put into words and a love I felt so incredibly deeply. I love this gospel with my whole heart and I love temples. I am so grateful that I was able to come home for the weekend and go through with my parents. Temples are a wonderful place to feel closer to our Heavenly Father, to take yourself out of the world for just a few hours and to see a clearer picture. I am so happy I did and Im so grateful I am able to have one so close to me at school! 

Other than my birthday and going through the temple, Winter Semester was filled with lots of laughs and studying. So much studying. Recently I actually decided I want to apply to medical school! My back up will still be, becoming a registered dietitian but I want to pursue my dream. I mean, WHY NOT?! I am so happy for the decision I made and I know it will be hard and it will take a lot of studying and lots of exams, but I know it will be worth it.

Winter Semester was also filled with lots of soda runs, watching LOST like crazy, Temple dates with myself (my favorites), living with my best friend, popcorn/movie nights, deciding to train for a half marathon, trying miracle fruities (they make everything sour- taste sweet! SO WEIRD.), getting my first 100% on an exam EVER(!!!!!) and so many more memories. I am now home for Spring Break and I am so happy but I am so excited for Spring Semester!!!!

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