Dec 26, 2017


I was planning on writing this right when I got home for winter break but I had to sleep for like 50 hours to catch up from this fall semester. Just kidding, well kind of. I slept SO MUCH when I first came home. I would stay up super late and wake up... early-ish. Or my brain was just exhausted and I needed sleep from emotional and mental exhaustion from this semester.

Fall semester was so much fun. I had the best roommates ever and it was just laughs the whole time I swear. There was lots of dancing, back scratches, mini road trips, photo shoots, Kaitlyn singing and playing the guitar, puppies, lots of chicken nuggets and soda vine runs. so many soda vine runs.

One of my first favorite memories of this semester was at the very beginning when Kaitlyn tried to see how many grapes she could fit in her mouth... no joke. She ended up fitting 30 in her mouth.

Of course we saw the National Parks and it was amazing!! It was Natalies first time seeing them live EVER so that was so fun. I had been messaging Megan the violinist, I once went to their Seattle show and it was such a tiny crowd that we got to talk to them after and kept in contact with her ever since! And so, told her I was coming to the Rexburg show, and I wanted to say hi after the show. So, what did we do? We all snuck backstage afterwards and waited for her and the rest of the band to say hi. It was a BLAST.

Another fun memory was on the Sunday of General Conference weekend, Paige, Katie and I went to the Palisades so I could take Katie's graduation pictures and it was BEAUTIFUL. I kid you not- it was like out of a book. The colors of the trees were breath taking and we couldn't get over it. We just kept stopping every time we could to get out and look.

Oh how could I ever even forget... MEREDITH CAME TO VISIT!! I'm so proud of her for going on a mission. She is so awesome! I am so so proud of her. She is the funniest person ever and I love her so much. I'm so glad she surprised me (kind of) and came to hang with Katie and I one last time!

I also went to Utah to go to my nephews first Primary Program and UGH MY HEART!!! I am so happy and lucky to be an aunt :) Scarlett and Jackson are the cutest kids EVER! I know I am biased but they are the best! My heart is so full and happy whenever I see them.

Kiersten, Natalie and I went to the pumpkin patch and took pictures... of course. It was so fun and fall-ey (if thats a word?) and we also went to Mesa Falls the next day and UGH MY HEART AGAIN! i love the trees. love love love them.

Going home for Thanksgiving was much needed. Even though it was short- it was SO NEEDED. Seeing my parents, grandma, dog, and siblings was so fun!

There were so many memories, laughs and tears. There were many tears (from me haha) but I couldnt even begin to list all the fun memories there were just so many! I made new friends and restored the strength of old ones. I am so grateful for the school I attend and the friends I have. School of course was good! I had two jobs this semester, being a TA for Nutrition again and then for BIO264 with Brother Bailey! It was really time consuming but so much fun because I met so many great people in those classes! I also had great classes in general. I worked hard and pulled out the grades I wanted!

Katie graduated this semester and even though I cried the week before graduation because shes been my best friend since I've gotten back from Lithuania at school and just the greatest- I am so proud of her. Im going to miss living with her SO MUCH but I am so excited for her to start her career and see all the wonderful things she will accomplish!

Im so excited for next semester and for the new year! I cant wait for all the new memories I'm going to make and the laughs I will have. Even though 2017 was hard and Fall Semester was hard in its own way and a really great growing opportunity, it was really really great. I love BYUI, I love my friends, I love my family, and I loved FALL 2017. Only two more semesters and then... I GRADUATE?! AH! I've taken longer than planned to graduate but I am so glad I am. Its good for my mental health and also... word to the wise: dont change your major like 5 times ;) Bring it on 2018!!!

 I am sooooo happy I'm living with Natalie again!!! She is the best and so great to have around.

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