Jan 1, 2018


HAPPY FREAKING NEW YEAR!!!! I can't believe its 2018?!? I haven't showered since last year, or seen my brother since last year ;) Okay, all the dumb jokes aside- I am so so happy its a new year!

2017 was good. I mean it wasn't the 'best year of my life' but it was pretty freakin' good.

There were a lot of tears, laughs, dancing, broken hearts, diet coke, chicken nuggets, swimming, popcorn eating, and more. I have so many good memories from this year.


One thing I loved about this month of course was... my birthday! I turned 22!! So you know I was hyped about singing and dancing along to Taylor Swift all day long. I had such a great birthday. WAYYYY better than last years. Katie Rex made it so freaking great! Shes the best and if you don't have someone like Katie in your life- I feel sorry for you. She made me wear a "Birthday Girl" pin all day and it was so funny to forget that I was wearing it and then random people saying "hey happy birthday!" Then we had cake and a mini party for me later that night. 


This month was hands down the best month I think of the year. I went through the temple and took out my own endowments. If you dont know what that means you can read more about it here: TEMPLES. I think that this is what started off my year. I know it was in the second month but, I know that it was what I needed to do. I am so so so grateful I did. I feel so much closer with my Heavenly Father and understand the bigger picture a little more than I did before. I understand that sometimes the little things that used to matter a lot don't matter that much in the grand scheme of things. I also had my parents there right by my side and it was so so so special. 


I remember one fun thing that happened this month- Meredith one of my old roommates taught me how to penny board and that was a lot of fun. Not much else "exciting" happened that month that I an remember. 


Well, spring break was this month and I loved it. I love getting any breaks from school cause lets be honest- SCHOOL BLOWS SOMETIMES AND ITS HARD. So any break is a good break. Of course I hung out with my dog all the time and it was also the start of SPRINNNNGGG SEMESTER!!!! Spring is so much fun in Rexburg. It was also Katie's birthday month and I threw her a party everything Katie style. We had Soda, Lime, Starbursts, Pizza Rolls, etc. It was so fun and I am so happy that I got to do it for her! 


Well, Katie and I took our first ever bff road trip together this month which was FUN. We drove to Seattle for memorial day weekend because it was our old roommate, Kelsey Johns (now Kelsey Garcia) wedding! It was so much fun because Katie had never been to Seattle so I got to show her around all the fun spots. We went to Pike Place, Kerry Park, Gum Wall, Fremont Troll, and Snoqualmie Falls. Oh and how could I forget of course we stopped by the wedding!! Something else that was super amazing that happened in May was NAT FISH CAME HOME FROM HER MISSION!!! 


I combined these two months because honestly... cant remember much that happened in June. July was great and so much fun!! There was the 4th of July, Brooke Jolly came to visit Rexburg and we celebrated her birthday, I went and visited Annie in St. George which was SO FUN, Kohlmann got married, I saw my niece and nephew, etc. PLUS IT WAS OFFICIALLY SUMMER BREAK!! 


August was so freaking fun. I went to Pikes Place with Natalie, went on a beautiful hike with her and her sister, went to bainbridge island with Natalie and Kaitlyn, lots of swimming, my friend Kyla came to visit for the day, went to Lake Chelan with my family and the Beans, and went to Sand Point, ID with Natalies family and we also went to Silverwood after! It was such a fun filled summer. 


Well, for about the first week I went to Utah and visited Ellie in Provo and took pictures of my friend jordan and her husband for maternity pictures!! Then I went back to school. September was fun. It was filled with Soda Vine, McMidnight, The National Parks concerts, and we snuck back stage. It was so muuuuchhhh fun!!!!


Ohhh October. It was so good. I went to the Palisades, Jackson Hole, Pumpkin Patches, visited my nephew and niece, my whole apartment dressed up as Goth's for halloween, and it was just a good month you know? It was such a perfect fall month. The colors were amazing, the air was soooo crisp. 


Thanksgiving freaking break was MUCH NEEDED. That was my highlight of November I think! It was just a good month all around. November always seems to fly by. Its hard to remember what happened this month- but seeing my dog was the highlight.. oh and of course my family too. ;) 


Well the semester flew by and it came and gone. Katie graduated college, which was fun to go to with Kaitlyn. Then it was winter break- which is definitely the highlight. I hung out with Ashlyn a lot which was fun, CHRISTMAS and New Years eve!! I also had a little photoshoot with Natalie and my friend Morgan which was so fun. This month was so great and so happy. I've gone to Pike Place, it snowed on Christmas eve so we woke up to a freaking WHITE CHRISTMAS!!! SO much snow. Abby didnt know what to do with herself. 

Overall this year was really good. I loved all the friends I made and the memories I shared. Of course I have some goals obviously because New Year New Me duh ;) But basically they're simple goals and I think I can accomplish them. They also are some things I learned in 2017 and want to continue to put into practice in 2018:


1. Practice empathy more- Its not that I don't do it but I want to be better at it, to not be so quick to judge.

2. Put my Mental Health first ALWAYS. Its more important to be healthy mentally than physically first I think. Its easy for me to deteriorate my mental health and become hyper focused on my physical health. I went to see a therapist this past semester for myself and it was super beneficial and so I think I need to put it first always and make sure I am trying to be better each day.

3. Workout to be HEALTHY 

4. Eat more nutrient dense foods

5. Look for not superficial attributes about people- compliment them on their worth i.e. the way they light up when they talk about what they love instead of the way they look. 

6. Continue to be more assertive and not a people pleaser all the time. You will let people down. THAT IS OKAY. They will forgive you.

7. Don't apologize when there is nothing to apologize for. 

8. Dont go on a date with someone just because you feel like you should. 

9. Treat yo' self when needed

10. Remember to treat myself like a daughter of God, treat others as children of God and remember that I deserve to have my feelings valued, heard and listened to and should give the same to others.

I hope you all had a wonderful 2017 and learned things, loved yourself more, and I hope you have a Happy New Year!!! 

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