Apr 14, 2018


ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST. I am one step closer to graduating (finally lol) and one step closer to having a spring breaaaaaaaak! I mean, kind of a spring break, but still a week off of school. This semester was one for the books- it was so much fun. I already talked about what happened in the month of January- the most important month of the year... my birthday ;) Just kiiiiding. But, only kind of. Anyways the rest of the semester was great honestly. I am going to miss all the memories that I made. Nights where I laughed so hard my belly hurt after, or the random 2 minute dance parties, the number of movies, McDonald runs, monopoly deal games or even scum games we played. It was so much fun.


The month that every single person hates, or as my FHE brother Matt would say, "single awareness month" or "another reason to remind me of how single I am" LOL. I love Matt! He is hilarious. One of the nights for FHE, okay wait, I should explain FHE. FHE is basically required for us to do here at BYU-Idaho and they pair us up with one other guy apartment and you do an activity every Monday night. It's actually pretty fun if you get paired with a really great apartment that actually wants to do stuff! We got lucky and had two guy apartments- yippeeeee! One of them being some of my old FHE brothers! I love them all so much. Anyway, one night we made one of the guy's get a mutual and it was SO FUNNY. Of course we documented it but for privacy reasons those are for my eyes only hehe. 

This is the month that our monopoly deal addiction started. "FULL SET HOES!" as Alyse would say. Oh man. That night was hilarious. One night we also went to The Craze Arcade Place and won SO MANY TICKETS. Alyse rigged one of the games but it was totally worth it honestly because we got a lava lamp, came back to our apartment, played games till we were tired, and danced to music. It was just a fun night. 

Valentines day was the best day and one of the worst days ever. I felt so loved all day. Our FHE brothers came and brought us rice krispie treats in the shape of one big heart and I bought a heart shaped pizza, one of my friends bought Morgan and I a bamboo tree in the shape of a heart and my parents bought me chocolate covered strawberries! It was one of the worst nights ever because its a day I will never forget. It was the day of the Florida school shooting in Parkland, Florida where the Petty's live and Alaina Petty was murdered that day and I found out that night. My heart breaks for the Petty family just reliving it and thinking about it. Hopefully there will come some change from this. Ryan (her dad) has already been making changes in things and its amazing to see! Besides that, the month of February ended really great. Hours spent in the library with Natalie of course but in end it ended in a perfect way. It was honestly a surprise but I got asked out on a date by Jake! But, you'll hear more about him later ;)


Wow oh wow will I never forget the month of March! It started off with a great hike to Goldbug Hot Springs in Salmon, ID! I went with Jake and a bunch of his roommates and friends. Two of his friends from his mission who live in Utah came up for that weekend so that was fun! At this point Jake and I had been on three dates...funny thing is, is in the past at the beginning of the semester Jake invited me to a lot of stuff and I never went lol. Not because I didnt want to go- but I couldn't!! He was so persistent though and well... it paid off because we became official in the month of March! But, it wasnt until a couple weeks in! Anyways... he is so great. Gosh. Wow. I am so lucky. If you ever get the chance to know Jake, consider yourself lucky. I may be a little bias... but its true!

Anyways, okay. Goldbug. WOW SO FUN. I've never been in the Winter time and so I was a little hesitant but it was breathtakingly beautiful. I love nature. I love hikes. Its so refreshing to get outdoors. We hiked up, hung out in the hotsprings, then went and got yummy pizza in town. Funny thing is, last time I went, I was with Natalie and we went to a yummy pizza place. I was 100% convinced that I found the same place. We all walked in... and to my surprise it wasn't the same place! However, it was still SO YUMMY.

Then that Sunday, Kiersten, Alyse, Natalie, and I went to Monkey Rock to see what it'd look like with all the snow...again... wow so beautiful. March was also fun cause we went night sledding one night and I forgot how much I love sledding. I made homemade butternut squash mac n' cheese which was oddly delicious one time and YOU COULDN'T EVEN TASTE THE BUTTERNUT SQUASH. I was so proud of myself. If you want the recipe click here: recipe.

Jake got a hammock last month from his mom for Valentines day (lol) and so one night we went hammock-ing! Which honestly sounded fun in the moment but we were FREEZING. It was just so fun though to talk, look at the stars and make so many memories. We then got chicken nuggets after and ah get you a man who buys you nugs ladies!!! He is so fun. He makes literally anything fun when I am with him. He can make me laugh like no one else can- where my stomach hurts and I can barely breathe kind of laughing so hard.

St. Patty's day was a blast because guess what- WE WENT TO A FREE CONCERT! Natalie, Ethan, Jake, Me and one of Ethan's old roommates oh plus Dan and a bunch of his friends all went to Jackson Hole, Wyoming for a FREE PORTUGAL THE MAN CONCERT. It was so much fun. We took cute adorable pictures, ate yummy pizza and danced our hearts out. The opener for Portugal the Man was hilarious. He was such a hippie and loved every second of it. 

The rest of the month was filled with cuddles, soda vine runs, homework dates, Big Juds, bonfires, and the singing waffle... yes we did karaoke one night. IT WAS THE BEST NIGHT EVER. I dont understand though why some people take Karaoke so seriously. You're supposed to sound like crap okay?! 

Anyways, I loved March. 


I love love love April! It was the best because at the beginning was General Conference (well yes including the end of march but whatever)! Jake and I decided to go down to Utah and try to get tickets... and guess what... WE GOT TICKETS! It was honestly the biggest tender mercy ever. We were standing in the standby line (aka the line where you try to get in at the last minute) literally at the end of the line, standing there maybe for 2 minutes...when this girl runs up to me, taps me on the shoulder and says 'just you two?' I shake my head yes, she hands me two tickets and runs off. YES JUST RANDOMLY HANDS ME TWO CONFERENCE TICKETS!!! THANK YOU RANDOM STRANGER!!! SO WE GOT TO GO!!! WOOHOOO!

Conference weekend was so fun. We had so much fun and so much good food. We ate yummy pizza (its our love language if you couldn't tell already), saw his sister, visited my brother and his family, hung out with his buddy Noah (hi noah we love you), and just had a blast road tripping together and singing songs at the top of our lungs! 

The rest of the month so far as been great. We've gone bowling, target dates, homework dates, soda vine runs (sorry Jake I started an addiction) and just so many good laughs. I love spending time with Jake. He's my best friend. I'm sad because he's leaving for 4.5 months to do summer sales... so hello longest 4.5 months of my life. LETS DO THIS. So, even though I'm done with finals and April still isn't over- this month so far has been great!!! Lets bring on spring break, and spring semester. (plz fly by thanks). 

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