Aug 5, 2018


Holy Cow. How did Spring Semester just fly by?!? I FREAKING GRADUATED COLLEGE. Granted, I should've graduated a while ago (who cares I take my time- mental health is more important than finishing in the set period of time that I should've and I've learned that!!).

I'm starting my internship with the Eastern Idaho Public Health Department next semester and I'm excited but nervous!!! I'll still work as a TA on campus for NUTR150 for the time being as well so I can make money because well... internships aren't paid.

This spring semester was so fun- it sucked a lot of the time though because I'm doing long distance with Jake. WHICH- I highly don't recommend but I mean I do recommend it if its what you have to do. I would not want to do long distance with anyone else but Jake. I love him!! He's the sweetest, funniest, and kindest person ever! Anyways- I will save the gushy stuff ;)

The beginning of spring semester was spring break! It was so much fun. I was home for it and I got to spend it with Natalie, Ethan, Kaitlyn, Katie and Alyse!! Alyse came to visit for a couple days and Katie was in town for a competition for a school thing that happened in the Fall but they had a competition for it. We went to Pike Place, ate yummy food, did all the touristy things and it was just great!! Then, my parents and I went to Utah for the weekend before I had to be back to school for Jackson's birthday! Jackson had no idea that my parents were coming. He thought it was just me but what was fun too was Tyler and Cassie came along! So, we had our whole family together in Utah celebrating the cutest 5 year old's birthday ever!! We also FINALLY redid our family pictures.

After a weekend filled with laughs, memories and a cute birthday party...I headed back to Rexburg for Spring Semester. I LOVE Springtime in Rexburg. It is sunny, happy and just a whole different environment in Rexburg. Spring Semester was filled with running (lots and lots of running!), Hammocking in our courtyard, naps on sundays, facetime dates with cutest redhead I know, traveling, hikes and laughs. Lots of laughs. It was one for the books.


May was great! It was memorial day weekend, mothers day, and the month before you knew it was officially summer time. One night, Kiersten convinced me to go to this "chalk fight" in Porter was ridiculous. We waited for over an hour before we even got to throw chalk at each other, it was dancing and one of those dances that I'd probably go to if I had more energy hahaha. But, it was honestly so much fun. Another time we were hanging out with our friends, Austin, Justin, and their roommates and we decided to make this bomb..... okay not really a bomb but it was this at home one kind of and it was so much fun when we finally actually did it right. Another exciting thing that happened in the month of May... NATALIE GOT ENGAGED!! Ethan finally ;) popped the question! OH! I also met Jake's parents and siblings which was super fun. I was so nervous because Jake wasn't there but it was so great. I had so much fun. I had dinner over at his grandma's house in blackfoot and they were in town for his other grandparent's anniversary party. So that was super fun! I love them so much. Kiersten and I also went and tried this "crispy cones" place which makes this treat from the Czech Republic that I had when I went to Prague and you guessed it- its better in Europe lol but it was still super yummy! May was filled with also lots of long runs and short runs, mini photoshoots with roommates and the farmers market! But, it was filled with lots of running because I was finishing my training for my half marathon at the beginning of June. 


So I ran a freaking HALF MARATHON!!!!! That is honestly the best part about the month of June. Natalie and I made it a goal of ours at the beginning of the year to run a half marathon and.... WE DID IT. I am so freaking proud of us!!!!!!!!! I want to run another one... I haven't really ran much since then... I've been so busy with school and work. I need to start getting back into it. But, it won't be that hard to do. It's also so freaking hot out during the day now that I need to either run later in the evening or early in the morning. Which is hard right now with school. I also went and visited Jake which was so great. I ugly cried when we said goodbye cause it was just such a great weekend. It was so great to see him after 2 months of only face timing. We also went on a hike near mesa falls 


wowowow JULY. I love you July. Well first things first--Jake surprised me for the 4th of July!!!! It was so great. He was driving from Connecticut to Arizona (or so I thought) but decided to drive all the way to Idaho. He drove with his brother Jaden- he didn't stop to sleep at all. During the night they just switched off and slept while the other one drove. He made it to his Aunt's house on July 3rd- I found out the night before and then he hung out with me all for the 4th. It was so great. July was busy and flew by. I also walked in graduation!!!! Jake came to that too :) so did my parents, mitch, kayla, jackson, scarlett and katie!!! So many of my loved ones all in one place. I was so so so happy. It was also so great to walk across that stage! I just have my internship left to finish and then I am DONE with my bachelors degree!!!!! YAY! So crazy. I couldn't have done half of what I did without my parents. They have been such an amazing support to me these past 5 (yes lol 5) years working on my bachelors degree. After graduation I went and stayed in Arizona for a week with Jake which was perfect. We just have a month and a half left of long distance- I am so happy about that. We're in the final stretch. Now I'm just enjoying summer and will be headed back to Rexburg in the fall for my internship!! 

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