Jun 1, 2019


Holy crap. I have not written on this blog in almost a year. Life got busy thats for sure. Just a little update for all you readers (cause I know there are soooooo many):

  • I'M A MARRIED WOMAN. Woooohhooooooo!!!!! Im now Madison Groesbeck!! (Pronounced "gross-beck"). I've been married for 5 months and its been the best. Its crazy how fast these 5 months have flown by. Jake proposed in September and we got married December 29th, 2018.
proposal on September 16th, 2018.

Wedding Day, December 29th, 2018.

  • I'M A COLLEGE GRADUATE. I graduated (officially) in December with my Bachelors of Science in Public Health. I walked in July but officially completed my undergrad in December. It's weird to be graduated honestly and still live in Rexburg but I love it. 

  • I have a full time job at Grand Peaks Medical in Rexburg as their Patient Care Coordinator. Now- some of you are probably wondering what the heck is a patient care coordinator?? Basically I make sure all of our high risk patients (and not high risk) get the best care they need. If they get referred to a specialist- I make sure they are scheduled and have all the information they need. If they have diabetes and need education? I'm your gal! If you have needs for resources in the community? I'm your gal. If you want to lose weight but don't know how? I'm your gal. I wear many hats and I love it. I love working on care plans, I love helping patients and making them feel comfortable and that they are taken care of. 

  • I'm a certified Lifestyle Coach for Diabetes and I'm also a certified Wellness coach. I had to get certified and do hours of training as part of my job when I got hired. But, I LOVE IT because its right up my alley on what I studied in my undergrad. It is also right up my alley-ish on what I want to go on and further study- Nutrition!! 

That is pretty much all the life updates you need from me. Jake is a full time student studying to apply for PT school. We're going to Hawaii in a week with his family and.. that is pretty much it. Life is GOOD. It is officially JUNE! 

Now, Im going to do a tad bit of editing on what the heck my blog is going to be about now. It will still be my online journal but... different. I'm going to be posting a lot about Health & Wellness. Why? Because that is something I am very passionate about and something I want to be more vocal about. People think to be healthy- you just have to exercise and eat nutrient dense food. No. thats not everything. There are 10 dimensions of wellness that goes into if a person is "healthy" or not and I want to talk about those on here. Not just for you but for me. I want to talk about what it takes to help you accomplish your goals. How to stay on track with good habits you want to stick with. I have struggled all my life with an unhealthy relationship with food and myself. I have anxiety and struggle with depression sometimes. I have even struggled with an eating disorder. I take medicine for it but it's still something you have to deal with every day. I am far from perfect. But, I want to be better. I want to share my progress on here with you for myself. Maybe someone will benefit from it. Maybe they will learn something. WHO KNOWS. But, it is here if you want it and if you need it. 


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