Sep 14, 2014

Back in the BURG

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Guess who's back back back, back again ... me! I'M BACK IN REXBURG. Fall 2014 here I am! This is my 3rd semester at BYU-Idaho and I really do like it! I mean, sometimes. Depends on the day. But! It does have its perks. I just really do not like the town it is in. I'm excited to start my 3rd semester here though! I made some goals for myself for this year.

1. Get all A's
2. Get into shape!
3. Have FUN with my friends
4. Strengthen my relationship/testimony with my Heavenly Father

I am so glad I have friends here too so I'm not sitting alone in my apartment missing Ian. I'm using this time away from him to become the best version of myself, grow as an individual (and a couple) but become a better disciple of Christ.

Friday was move-in day and it went great! My parents stayed here till Saturday and helped me with everything. They are seriously the best. I am so blessed! Saturday I was reunited with one of my best friends Missy!!!! She is amazing and it was so good to talk with her. Then I hung out with my friends, Natalie, Tucker, Carlin, Zander and the boys' two roommates! It was really fun! I can't wait for school to start. I'm such a bookworm but I love getting a schedule and working hard! Heres to Fall! Lets hope it doesn't snow until November like last year....!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness youre adorable and so is your blog! Those are definately my goals too :)
