Jan 1, 2015

HAPPY 2015!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!! I can't believe it's another year! 2014 was great, I learned a lot about myself that I wouldn't trade for the world and a lot of great things happened too! Ian left on his mission to the Czech Republic (only one year left!!!!!), I finished my first year of college, I finished my first semester of my sophomore year in college, I made so many new friends this past year and had many adventures. I've grown as a person, developed my talents (I learned how to sew and crochet!!!), gained knowledge, I've learned to love from over 5,000 miles apart and I'm strengthening my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I am ready for another great year! I have a lot of New Year Resolutions that I wanted to share with you:

1. GET INTO SHAPE! I know that is the most common one, but I kind of started slacking this past semester and I really want to kick into gear. I want to just be better at it!

2. Eat Healthier. I want to fuel my body with good things, because I love my body!

3. Don't doubt myself. I think this is big, because we need to have confidence in ourselves especially with everything we do. I need to stop doubting myself of my capabilities and what I know.

4. Learn how to say no. I sometimes don't want to say "No" to my friends if they ask me to hang out or if someone asks me to do something because I do not want to hurt their feelings but, really my feelings and my school grades come first.

5. STOP OVER-THINKING. This is huge for me! I overthink so much where it could literally kill me (ok not really kill me but you get what I mean). I need to STOP over-thinking. When I do, I need to clear my head of all negative thoughts. Negative thoughts do not come from our Heavenly Father, they come from Satan, who will do anything in his power to see us unhappy.

6. Love myself more. I have a hard time complimenting myself and I tend to  pick at all the negative aspects I see about myself. I need to stop doing that. I need to remind myself that I am a beautiful daughter of God and he loves me.

7. Be kinder. I am a "sassy" person. There is no doubt about it, but sometimes it can come off across very rude and I need to stop! I am not a mean person, I hate being mean actually! I need to be better at being kinder and maybe a little less sassy ;)

Happy New Year everyone! Lets make 2015 GREAT!


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