Jan 19, 2015

I'm 20!


Wow! I can't believe I'm 20! It is crazy! No longer a teenager and starting a new decade of my life! I had a great day. I am surrounded with wonderful people in my life who made this day so great! It was filled with laughs and just good memories. 

To start off my birthday right, last night my roommates and I had a big sleepover in the living room. Natalie and I brought our beds out, and then Peyton and Melissa slept on the couch. Then in the morning I got to email Ian (as usual) but it was so great because it was my birthday! He is the sweetest and funniest guy ever. I am insanely lucky to be in love with my best friend! Then, my roommates decided to make me breakfast! But while they were getting ready to cook, we hear a knock on the door. I'm confused as ever because I'm in PJ's not expecting...ANYONE. I answer the door and its some lady who I don't know...She just walks right in and Natalie, Peyton and Melissa are just like "Oh hi!!" Well... the lady had a bag with her. She sets the bag down and pops out two Pomeranian puppies!!!!!! There is this new business in Rexburg called "Pups4Play" where you can rent puppies for an hour or more and that was my present from Natalie! It was the best! We got two dogs for an hour and it was perfect. I am obsessed with dogs and it was just so much fun. I'm a big dog person but these dogs were ADORABLE. Then, later that day Natalie and I went and did a mini photoshoot for her film class! I am so excited to see how those photos turned out!!! After that we drove to Idaho Falls to meet up with the boys, at Red Robin to celebrate my birthday AND Carlin's birthday! (We have the same birthday! Crazy right?!) We enjoyed a delicious meal and then came back to my apartment, had cake and ice cream and played catch phrase. Hannah and Garrett stopped by also to give me some treats, a balloon and a birthday drawing :) It was so cute and so thoughtful of them! 

I had an amazing fun filled day that I will never forget! I have amazing friends, roommates and a best friend. Natalie surprised me with so many cute things, and a great birthday present! I am so grateful for her in my life! I don't know what I would do without her. 

Its crazy to think I am 20 years old but I can't wait to see what this year of my life has in store for me!!! 

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