Feb 3, 2015


Okay, now you're probably wondering why it's my favorite month and why January isn't my favorite. Correction. January is one of my favorites. I have a lot of favorite things but we can get to those later (that's for another time, another blog post that I probably won't end up writing).

Also, its the month of love. I love, love. Who doesn't love a good Nicholas Sparks movie, about a two love birds who fall in love in High School, grow apart, get back together, he reads her their love story, yes I'm talking about the Notebook. February is filled of pink candies [sweet tart lollipops yes my weakness], red hearts and "Valentines".

January is honestly the worst and best month, lets be real here. Best: I was born, HELLO. (kidding..kind of but hey its my birthday month!) New Years Eve and New Years Resolutions (New Year, New Me! YOLO). Worst: ITS. THE. SLOWEST. MONTH. I have been at school for what... a month now (feels like years) but a month down, two more months to go! **cue tswift dance moves that make you feel extremely uncomfortable but also make you laugh**

You're probably not wondering what I did this month, but I'm going to tell you anyways because this is MY blog and if you weren't wanting to know about my life then why the heck are ya reading?! But please stay I promise I'll post funny things!!!!!!

J A N U A R Y :
-back in Rexburg!!!!! *cue ugly crying face*
-Winter 2015 #willhoesof202 (I don't use that even though, I feel like I'm going to start because why not)
-Fitness Classes 
-BYU Vocal Point.. aka BYU Makeoutwithme Point
-Running lots and lots of running (I have workout every single day of the semester *CUE AIR FIVE*)
-Elder Nelson gave a devotional! 
-Pizza (because what is my life without pizza in it?)
-New friends
-Red Robin
-Kiwi Loco
-Netflix... I started Grey's Anatomy. I highly recommend it but say goodbye to your social life now 

5 things I learned from this month: 

1. Run. I mean it. Not like run away, I mean, go on a run. It clears your head. You might want to die while doing it but, after? You will feel amazing.

2. Never let anyone tell you not to order pizza. YOU DON'T NEED THAT NEGATIVITY IN YOUR LIFE.

3. Homework comes first. I promise you. You might have less of a social life but it'll be worth in when you see those beautiful grades. Plus, you might be less stressed out.

4. Stop comparing yourself. Especially your body image. It is so hard to not, but seriously, you need to love yourself more because you are beautiful and no one else is like you. We may not be perfect, but if we were, what fun would life be? 

5. Never regret staying in, watching Netflix and laying in your pajamas after a hot shower. It's okay to be a homebody. Its okay to not go out every night. Give yourself a break. You can thank me later.

I can't wait for this month of L O V E and for celebration!!! I hope you have fun reading my posts as much as I have fun writing them. 



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