Mar 2, 2015

hello, MARCH!

Well, as they say, another one bites the dust. How is it already March?! These month's are flying by. I only have 6 more weeks left of this semester. I am so ready to be done with school!! I will miss my roommates so much though. I got insanely lucky this semester, they are all SO great. Seriously, all are my best friends. But, enough about them. A lot has happened this month! Well, not really at the same time... I feel as though, I woke up one morning, it was February 1st, now it's March 2nd!

February started out not so great, with a sad loss for my wonderful Seahawks in the SuperBowl

So much has happened that I'm trying to think back on it, and my brain can't handle it! I'm feeling old. But lets make a list shall we? (Because I know you all secretly really care!)

F E B R U A R Y:
-Valentines Day (YAY FOR LOVE AND PIZZA!)
-PIZZA... what is life, without that glorious food?
-Donating Plasma! Yes I'm selling my body for money.. No I am not a SLUT!!!
-Chinese New Year aka just another excuse to eat Chinese Food
-I dyed my hair! Yippe for a new look!!!!
-Photoshoots because my bff is a photographer and always needs a model ;)
-reading! I just bought a new book called the Happiness Project

Top 10 things I've learned this month:
1. You cannot please everyone. 
2. You are trying the best that you can and THAT is enough!
3. Let it go
4. Quit Nagging
5. Be Yourself
6. Lighten Up
7. Not everyone will like you
8. Stand Up for what you believe in
9. Respect Others
10. There is only LOVE.

I hope to make March a lucky one (get it?) and try to be nicer. Try a little harder, to be a little better. I'm trying to be more like my, Heavenly Father and treat others as if I only see the light in them. I can't wait to see what March will bring! 

Thanks for reading!

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