Mar 10, 2015

We are required to forgive ALL

This is sometimes a hard concept for others to accept. I am very guilty of this. Many of times, when someone wrongs us, does not apologize, we do not have the desire to forgive them. However, we are require to forgive all men. 

I was reading in the New Testament about the parable of the Servant and the King. Matthew 18:23-35. The servant owed this King, a very large debt, that would take him so incredibly long to pay off. So long, that it is actually impossible to repay the King. The servant begged for him to have patience and said he would pay it off. The king was overcome with compassion and forgave him. Then the fellow servant owed, the servant a smaller debt, but a debt nonetheless. However, the Servant was not overcome with compassion when the fellow servant asked for his patience. The Servant then casted him into prison. The King had found out what he did, and said "why did you not have compassion for your fellow servant when I had compassion for you?" Then, it says "So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you. if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses." Basically what that verse is saying is, we need to forgive everyone for their sins/wrong doings and have compassion for them just like our Heavenly Father has compassion for us. 

Our Heavenly Father died for us. He died for us, for us sins, so that when we commit sin, anything, we are forgiven. We have the atonement to be able to repent for these wrong doings. Does he put a limit on this atonement? No. it is infinite. We are always forgiven, we are given patience to "repay him". But in reality, our debt is un-payable to the Savior. So, our Heavenly Father has required for us to forgive everyone. It might by hard, but I have a firm testimony that when we forgive someone, even if they have not apologized, we will be overcome with compassion, charity, kindness, peace, for them and for our Heavenly Father. We will be so much happier when we have forgiven them. In D&C 64:11 it says, "And ye ought to say in your hearts- let God judge between me and thee, and reward thee for according to thy deeds." We cannot judge someone for their actions. ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE. This is huge! I have had so many people in my life, judge me for my actions, for my choices, for so much in my life. But, do I strike back with anger? No. I know that it is not their place to judge me. It is only my Savior, who will judge me and reward me according to my deeds. We must remember not to judge someone for what they are doing. It is not our place. 

I have a firm testimony of this and I know that my Savior lives. I know that he paid a debt that we could never pay. He died on the cross for our sins, so that we can be forgiven. He went through this process so that when we commit sin, anything, we are NEVER alone. We are never alone in this crazy thing we call life. With God, ALL things are possible. I know in my heart, that through this Gospel I am finding happiness, I have found a purpose in life. Through my Savior, I know who I am. I am beautiful daughter of a King. I hope that if you do not know who you are, who you are meant to be, that you know you are a child of God. I hope that one day you will come to know who created you. I hope you find your worth. The worth of your soul is SO incredibly great in the sight of God. I know that this Gospel is the word of God. I love my Savior. I hope you learn not to hold grudges, to love all. Even though it is hard sometimes to do, you will be rewarded for it. It is for YOUR benefit. Not for anyone else but yourself. I promise, you will be much, much happier. 

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