Mar 30, 2015

Hikes Hikes Hikes

Lately this weather in Rexburg has been a dream. Really. I mean except this past weekend where it was 40 mph and even up to 60 mph winds! Hey that's okay because last weekend was a BLAST.

Natalie and I go on "Friday night dates" literally almost every Friday. I don't know what I'd do with out her and our dates. Since the weather was great, we decided to take advantage of it and go hike "R" mountain. We decided to invite good ol' Tucker but he ended up making us lost, then had to leave because of a stinkin' dodgeball tournament. We ended up taking an hour to get there when it only takes 20 minutes... but hey it was still fun!

Then Saturday was the best. Natalie has had this idea for weeks to go to "Goldbug Hot springs". She has the best ideas, really. These hot springs were in the middle of mountains!! IT WAS GORGEOUS. I still can't get over it. The hike was apparently 3 miles but it really only took us a little over an hour... it was gorgeous and so so sooo worth it. I highly recommend to anyone who is looking for something fun to do. It's in Salmon, Idaho so if you live in Rexburg that is about a 2.5 hour drive away. BUT ITS WORTH IT! We went with our guy friends, Tucker, Zandy and Taxx. They are hilarious and I am glad I'm friends with them all. Let's just let the pictures speak for themselves shall we?

I love the adventures I go on with Natalie and "the boys". But, mainly Natalie because they are all her ideas. She is the bestest best friend I could ever ask for because there is truly never a dull moment with her!

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