Mar 10, 2015


This is a happy post, for all you summer lover's out there, and haters of school because.. ITS OFFICIALLY ONE MONTH LEFT OF THE SEMESTER!!!!!!!

I am so flipping excited. This semester seems like a blur honestly.. I was thinking about it the other night and the thought came to me "what did I do this semester?!" I mean I guess every semester flies by but this one seems especially fast. I can't wait to be home, because I start my training for Lithuania, (If you didn't know I'm volunteering next fall semester read more about it here) and I start working (oh shoot dang, gotta find a job first!) to save for it! Also, going home means it's summer time for me! I'm just really excited to go home if you can't tell. Not that I do not love my roommates but, school can just be so exhausting!

On the bright side (no pun intended), the weather has been GORGEOUS lately. It was in the high 50's today and supposed to be in the high 60's next week. Spring Time is finally approaching! Too bad most of my clothing is black or gray. But do you know what else that means? People are happier, because it's sunnier. Funny how the sun can change our mood so much. However, that means I need to focus harder on these last weeks of school so I can rock these last test's I have. Anatomy and Physiology is kicking my butt as always, but I'm gonna kick it's butt next week on my exam! I guess this was a pointless post, but hey this is my blog and I write what I want. These things are always so awkward at the end so...

Wish me luck as I try to survive these last 4 weeks of the semester!!!!!!


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