Apr 13, 2015

Winter Semester 2015: CHECK!

I cannot believe I am already done with my 4th semester of school. How am I getting so old? Sometimes I feel as though I just graduated High School but... I didn't. Not only am I done with another semester, but its now April???? Time is speeding by and I'm trying to make the most out of everything! Lots of stuff has happened since I last updated you all.. well kind of.

Winter Semester was one for the books. I moved into a new apartment but also new apartment COMPLEX. I lived at the Willows. #WILLHOESOF202 ...kidding. I always wanted to start that hashtag but it never really happened... It is seriously the best place ever! Nicest managers and GREAT location to campus. Not only that, but I lived with my bff/#1girl/person Natalie Fisher. It was the best. She is seriously one of the funniest people I know. Now that the semester is over, I'm gonna be sad not being just a room apart from each other. Luckily we only live 15 min away from each other while we are home!! 

Not only did I live with one of my best friends, my roommates were the BEST. Even though I barely hung out with one of them because she was engaged (and now married!! Congrats!!) she was still super nice! I got insanely lucky with them. No roommates will ever, ever compare to those girls. 

I did so many things! I mean, this whole school year was a blast but this winter semester we went hiking to the hot springs, went on multiple spur of the moment photoshoots, hiked R Mountain, ate way too many fries and a little too much fry sauce, hung out a Zeeks probably more than we should've, worked out, and random dance parties (ok that was just once...with Natalie... but it was still hilarious). 

With the coming of April and end of Winter Semester, brings CONFERENCE! It was amazing. I kid you not. If you have not watched them, I urge you to watch/listen/read to them NOW. Go to https://www.lds.org/general-conference/sessions/2015/04?cid=HP_SU_4-5-2015_dPTH_fGC_xLIDyL1-B_&lang=eng AND DO IT. It will change your life and just fill your heart with goodness/warm fuzzies. But okay, seriously. Jeffrey R. Holland, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, M. Russell Ballard, Elder Nelson and Elder Bednar were some of my FAVORITE talks! I have been setting a goal for myself to listen to at least one talk a day and it has made a huge impact on my day! I loooooove it! I challenge you to do the same :)

Side note: Ian got transferred to a new area! Yay!! :)

Now I'm home, hopefully getting a nanny job starting May with this wonderful family, and other babysitting jobs to make lots of money to pay towards Lithuania! I'm glad to be home and done with another semester! I will for sure miss Rexburg, until I see you again in 2016!!!!

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