Jul 25, 2015

Ragnar 2015: CHECK!

Well, last weekend I finished my second year of Ragnar and LOVED it! It was so deadly hot though compared to last year, but it was still worth every mile ran, every tear shed and every hour of sleep lost. This year, I did the same exact legs as I did last year. I ran a total of 22 miles again and I'm glad I did. I pushed myself, and had an amazing time. It was hard because I felt a little dehydrated on my first run, and realized that I should've drank a lot more water before it than I did. But, you make mistakes and you learn from them! My second leg had the most amazing sunset for the first mile-second mile. Then, the rest was in the dark! I wasn't as scared as I was last year thank goodness! It's probably because I knew what was coming. My last leg was HARD! Those hills are killer man, but the view is worth it. Overall, it was hard but I cannot wait for next year! I love my team and I love running! Ragnar 2016, I'm coming for you!!!! .... Training starts now right? ;)

Sunset on my second run!

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