Nov 23, 2015

3 weeks left + turkey week

Wow oh wow, three more weeks here in good old Vilnius, Lithuania?! Oh?! Man, I am going to miss this country. BUT I am so excited to get back to the states. Since I last posted nothing much has happened. I am so sad that I am not going to be in the states for Thanksgiving though :( That is one thing I am really missing about being here because they don't celebrate it!

Lately we have been teaching our kids about thanksgiving! In my level 1 class we taught them all about what thanksgiving is, and what things we are thankful for. It made me want to reflect on what I am thankful for and share it with my kids but also with you!

1. The gospel-- of course!
2. My family <3 I miss them so much!
3. Cameras - I love capturing moments in time.
4. ALL my best friends :)
5. A dryer (We don't have one here in Lithuania)
6. My scriptures
7. Institute
8. My dog
9. My bed
10. My clothes
11. Heaters
12. Shoes
13. Church
14. Fresh fruits and vegetables
15. Airplanes
16. Temples
17. Facetime
18. Working Plumbing
19. Dishwashers
20. Medications
21. Milka Chocolate
22. Laughter
23. Fuzzy blankets
24. The Prophet Thomas S. Monson
25. My education

....and many more!! :)

Then after I taught them and we had a nice long discussion about we are thankful for, we made thankful turkeys! It was so cute, one of my students put my name on one of her feathers for her thankful turkey :)

I know its bad to have favorites... but... she is my favorite! She is the sweetest. Even though she can have meltdowns she always tells me how she will be when I have to go back to the States!!!

Anyways, this past weekend we had a 4 day weekend and just relaxed and went to Riga, Latvia! It was so fun :) We also went and saw the newest Hunger Games! IT IS SO GOOOOOD. Oh my goodness. 10/10, highly recommend you see it! Anyways, Riga was so cute! I loved it. We went to their big market they have there! It was so interesting and you really saw the locals. There was a meat market, fish market, flowers, hand made gifts... just everything! There was parts of animals that you should not eat... just saying. But it was a lot of fun. :) I am glad we went! I have now been to 8 countries in four months!

I seriously love Europe so much. I love all the colors of the buildings, the architecture, the history, just everything! I have learned a lot while living here that I would have never learned if I stayed in the states. I am so grateful for the time I have had here so far and am going to soak up the last 3 weeks I have!!! But... I am excited to go home :)


Happy Turkey week and always always always count your blessings!!!!

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