Dec 9, 2015


While I have been here teaching in Lithuania, I also have had the opportunity to go to LDS Institute class with the other teachers who are members in my group. We actually couldn't attend the time originally scheduled so the Senior Missionary Couple here in our branch offered to take time out of their day to make us lunch and teach us the message once a day every week for the past 12-14 weeks. They have shown me and the others true christ-like love and selflessness. I love them so much and am so thankful that they have done so much for us! This semester was focused on Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel. Today was our last day of classes and I just wanted to express and share with all of you that, I am forever grateful for this opportunity I have had be here and learn more about my Savior each week. I know that my experience would have been incredibly different without it. It is true that no matter what language- the message is still the same. My testimony and love for what he did for us all has grown an immense amount. I know that He lives and He loves each and every one of us. He knows each of us individually.  I know that because of him, I can be better each day, I can become the person he knows I can and wants me to be. We aren't perfect but we can try harder each day and I know that we need the Savior's help. I am grateful for the knowledge I had gained these past months of studying more about him, his life and this gospel. I have a firm testimony that he lives and the atonement is real and its for all of us. I am so grateful for this Christmas season that I can remember the true meaning and remember how much I have been given because we have been given the greatest gift of all! Christ! ‪#‎ASaviorIsBorn‬
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given . . . and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). 

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