Dec 23, 2015

Home Sweet Home

*clenches fist and starts chanting* "U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!"

Boy oh Boy is it good to be home. I've officially been home for one week now! I can't believe it. I've been meaning to make this post before I left Lithuania actually. I wanted to take some time to reflect on the past 4 months that I spent living abroad. Things were crazy, fun, sad, and exciting. Basically, lots and lots of emotions and memories. Mainly happy and good ones though.

My time in Lithuania... is hard to put into words. I loved it and I love Lithuania! I experienced so much! I spent 16 weeks teaching children from the ages 3-10 years old English every day from 3:30-7:30 but also got to travel around Europe with my best friends! How many people are able to say that got to do that? This was truly a once in a lifetime experience.

I experienced things that I never would have in America. Not only that, it was such a humbling experience. I truly didn't realize how blessed we are. I took many things for granted. We are given SO much in the states. For example? We can control when we turn on and off our heat/how hot it gets. Yep, you read that right. For me, and my fellow roommates, we couldn't turn our heat on or off. We didn't have that control. It made me think of how many times I complained about it being too cold or too hot and then just having to get up and turn the heat up or down. For about a week-a week and a half we went without heat and my bed room was about 40 degrees or lower. I mean, I know there are some people in this world who never have heat. So, I really shouldn't be complaining. But, what I'm trying to say is, don't take for granted things you are given in your life. Even if it is the little things like being able to turn the heat on or even the big things like HAVING heat!

I am so grateful that I was able to live in Europe these past 4 months. I love Europe but, it made me love the States even more! I am so grateful for the time and experiences I had traveling, sleeping in hostels, sleeping on the floor, eating different foods, making life long friendships and helping children learn English! The kids I dealt with, were very hard some days but more than anything they were great. The good days far outweighed the bad. I mean, I knew going in it wasn't going to be easy but I didn't know how much I would love these children. These kids truly taught me many things. They taught me, patience, love, hardwork, and many more. I've always loved babysitting/nannying, and just being around children! I have a special connection with them BUT I didn't realize how difficult it would be at times with a language barrier! But, more than anything, they have a piece of my heart and I will forever cherish the memories I made with my students and Lithuania/Europe in general!

If any one of you are thinking of doing something abroad, whether it be, studying, traveling, or volunteering... DO IT. There are things I experienced and learned that are hard to put into word but I would never take any of this back. I will forever have a piece of my heart in Lithuania with the people and the students I had!

Although I miss Lithuania already (mainly my students!) I am so grateful to be in the good ol' USA! I head back to school at the beginning of January and hopefully (crossing my fingers) have a part time nanny job at school to pay for my car! (Just leased a brand new Toyota RAV4!!!) Anyways, this time of year is perfect to remember to give back because we are given so much, that we must give! I love Christmas Time and remembering what I have been given because I was given the greatest gift of all-Christ! :) I hope you all enjoyed reading my posts about Lithuania and my travels! But, new posts will be coming your way as I head back to school.

Thank you for supporting me these past 4 months and taking time to read everything! I hope I made you laugh at some of the things I have posted here from my experiences! I hope you continue to read my blog as well.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to each and every one of you! I hope you take time to spend time with your family and loved ones. This is the time of year to rejoice and be happy. To give back and to give a gift that can't be wrapped!

God Bless the USA and God Bless us ALL! :)

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