Jan 16, 2016

2016: ringing in the new year!

So this post is long overdue because it's halfway through January. But hey, better late than never right?

Since my last update--I'm now back at school in Rexburg!! I started my 5th semester here at BYU-Idaho. I'm still studying Exercise Physiology and LOVING it. The human body is amazing and what it does with exercise is just mind blowing. We are truly blessed with these bodies we have been given. God is good.

I thought I'd update you all starting with... I GOT A NEW CAR. Yes. You read that right. A new car!!!!! Toyota RAV4!!! College is soooo much nicer with a car. I mean sure I don't use it every day but I don't rely on others and it's just really nice. I've been able to do little jobs here and there to make some money so it's REALLY nice. I'm grateful for my parents helping me with everything! They are the best.

Christmas was the best!! Usually we celebrate with Family on Christmas Eve but my Grandma had to work-so instead we did Christmas Day! We missed some of our family members but I am so grateful that I got to spend sometime with family :)

New Years eve was so much fun!!! I hung out with Jake, Tanner, Kaitlyn, Zander, Carlin, Tucker and more at Tucker's Uncle's work! We first went out to dinner at Lunch Box Labatory in Seattle which was delicious. Yummm. Well first, I drove with Jake, Kaitlyn and Tanner and we thought there would be traffic and to our surprise... there was NONE. So we got to dinner super early hahaha but it was fine! We just talked until everyone else showed up. Then we went to Tucker's Uncles office in Downtown Seattle and just played Sardines around the office floor, danced, and watched the fireworks go off from the Space Needle! It was so much fun!! After, Jake, Kaitlyn and I went to the Hansens for breakfast around 2 am! It was so much fun :) I decided to make some New Years goals for 2016! I have a good feeling about this year and so far its been AMAZING!!! 

Goals for 2016:

-Listen better

-Be kinder

-See others as Christ see's them

-Live the Gospel to the fullest

-Get healthy and FIT!

-Be patient

-Have faith

-Write in my journal every day

-Read my scriptures every day

-Have charity for everyone

-Give people the benefit of the doubt

and more... :) 

Now to bring you up to date.... Im back at school and just finished the first full week back!!! I love love LOVE my roommates! They are all so sweet and kind :) I am living at the Willows again and LOVE it. My classes are going great. Im taking a full load so its keeping me busy but not drowning me ;) Im excited for this semester! My classes are awesome.

Next week is officially BIRTHDAY WEEK! I turn 21 on Tuesday.. ahhhh!!!!!! Crazy :) I can't believe we are already halfway through January?! Time flies when you are having fun. I promise I will update this blog more throughout the semester. But as Porky Pig says, "Thats all folks!" 



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