Jan 31, 2016

Self Worth

Today in church, I was reminded of something. Something so simple, yet I forget it all the time.

I am a beautiful daughter of God. 

Why is it so easy to lose sight of who we really are? To forget what we deserve? To forget how much we are loved?

I, struggle with my self esteem. Something many people struggle with. It's so easy for me to look through my instagram feed and compare myself to others. Its so easy because we think we must look a certain way to be loved or to be noticed. But that's not true. You will find that person who loves you for who you really are.

Do not settle for someone who is not going to help you reach your divine potential.

Do not settle for someone who will make you compromise your moral standards or make you do things you do not want to do.

Do not settle for someone who is only going to love you half as much as you love them.

Don't sell yourself short. You deserve the best!

You have divine potential and are a child of God who loves you more than you can even comprehend. You deserve someone who will always make you feel that way and treat you that way.

You will have heartbreak. It will hurt, but Heavenly Father has a plan for you. I am sure of it.

There is a promise of good things to come. There is help. There is happiness ahead. Christ is the "light at the end of the tunnel." Hold on. Keep trying. He will help you find peace, find happiness through those struggling times. He loves you and wants you to be happy. He doesn't see you as a number on the scale, or the mistakes you've made. He see's you as you really are and he never loses sight of our eternal potential even when we do.

Remember who you are. Remember what you stand for. Remember that you deserve the best and the Lord has a plan for you. God loves you.

"There are two important days in a woman's life: The day she is born and the day she finds out why." -Elaine Cannon. 


  1. This is my daughter - in whom I am beyond amazed at what a beautiful person she is on the inside and out! Love you

  2. This is beautiful- what a boost to my week! I love you so much, you are so strong and such a great example <3

    1. Victoria!!!!!! Youre the best. I love you soo much.

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