Jul 1, 2014

Goodbye June, Hello July what?!

I can't believe tomorrow is July 1st. Where did the month of June go?! Its crazy. A lot has happened last week! I started my new nannying job Tuesday and it has been going really well!! The kids are adorable. The girl is 4 and the boy is 8. We did Tie-dye and the little girl (Anushka) got tie-dye all over her hands!

 I worked every day from about 10-2:30 pm just having fun! We went to the park, rode bikes, had a picnic, went to the library and read books. It's a super fun easy job. The only down side is my car takes so much gas, so driving everywhere uses a lot of it up :( But, I am just trying to save money to help pay for school. This week was bad in terms of going out a lot... NO MORE.

Then on Friday I stayed with Mali Hansen because her parents were out of town that night. Luckily her ward was going to the Mariners game so we had something to do! It was so fun :) We had garlic fries (I swear I still have that taste in my mouth...), candy, the works! It was also Firework night that night! And guess what?! THE MARINERS WON!!! It was awesome!

Then Saturday I helped the missionaries in my ward draw the plan of salvation on the art wall at the Redmond Skate Park! Now that is what I call missionary work in a different way :)

I'm so incredibly excited for this week because I will be in CHELAN!!! Celebrating the 4th of July with my family :) I can't wait for camping, boating, tanning, s'mores, and everything! These missionaries in my ward are incredibly nice guys! This church is true people. It's incredible. Prayer works, Miracles happen every day, Keep having faith in God and know that anything is possible with him.

Elder Kearley (middle), Elder Garriss (right) and I tonight! Last time
Elder Garriss will be in R3!! 

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