Jun 22, 2014

Saturday Sunshine

The sun came out on Saturday! Happy Day! I had been babysitting the whole week for a family and that day I drove the kids to Cle Elm to meet their grandparents and afterwards I had a great day! I took my dog for a run in the sun ;) I also went out to dinner with a friend to get thai food (We went to Silver Spoon! WAY GOOD!), got yogurt with my friends Samantha & Christian. Then we went to Kirkland and watched the sunset! IT WAS GORGEOUS! We also saw a wedding there... so adorable.

I decided to dye my hair back to my natural color also well... it went a little too dark than planned. It is pretty much black now... oh well! I REALLY DON'T CARE. Its fun to change my hair once in a while!

I'm so excited for this next week as well because I'm working a ton again!! Yay money money money :) I love nannying/babysitting because its the best way to make cash because A) its fast. You get it right after you're done. B) TAXES DON'T TAKE ANY!!! I'm really hoping I get to go boating one of these days this week... I neeeeeeed to!!! The sun is starting to come out more according to the forecast and I can't wait! So many exciting things coming up this summer.

Chicken Pad Thai! 

Kirkland Waterfront

My new hair.. OH BOY ITS DARK

Christian, Samantha and I :)

Side Note that I've thought about a lot this week: Its amazing how much I've matured in not caring what others think. I'm loving life and I'm sorry if people have a problem with it! I'm lovin' with all my heart, everything that comes into my life. Its easier to be happier than to be mad is what I've learned. 

Jun 19, 2014


This week I've been staying with two kids who's parents went to Greece for two weeks. Saturday I'm driving them to Cle Elm to meet their grandparents and they go to Chelan for the last week their parents are gone. It's been... interesting and fun! The kids pretty much keep to themselves. They're 13 and 9. So it's an age where they wanna hang out with friends or watch cartoons. The 9 year old changes his mind every 2 minutes on what he wants to do. He doesn't wanna do anything BUT play on the computer. So it's been hard. I'm learning a lot of how I want to raise my kids. NOW I'm not saying that they're bad kids because they totally aren't. I've just learned a lot from babysitting SO many different kids. I don't want my children to be glued to the computer screen/tv, I want them to love playing outside, eat healthy, have good manners, not bossy, and ect. However, it has been fun with these kids!

Yesterday, I dropped off Maddie (the 13 yr old) at a friends and then Jake (9 yr old) and I went to my house and took my dog out on a walk and got froyo!! It was fun. Luckily the sun is shining today that I'm gonna make them go outside and do something fun! Wish me luck :)

Here's a picture of the froyo, I GOT. Fruit galore! :)

Jun 16, 2014

Fathers Day

So yesterday was Fathers Day! What a great day! First, I had to give a talk in church. I was so nervous because usually I am the first speaker, the "youth speaker", who only gives a 5 minute talk. But this time I was the LAST SPEAKER!!!!! I was scared. But I did great I think! I got a lot of compliments afterwards. Then, later that day we went to my grandma's house and had a BBQ with my brother, Cassie, Aunt & Uncle, Cousin's and my grandpa! My grandpa is being such a fighter I am proud of him. He is a sweet old man with a big heart. It was an all around great day.

My amazing Dad!

My grandpa!

Also in light of Fathers day we should remember our Father in Heaven who gave his only begotten Son to die for us. We are all his son's & daughters and should honor him every day but especially today as well!!! I found some great scriptures that I wanted to share that are great reminders. First one is in Mark 11:22 which reads, "...Have faith in God." and the second one is in, Mark 10:27 which reads, "...with men, it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible," AMAZING. Never forget!!

Jun 14, 2014

Saturday Fun

Today was so nice and relaxing! I loved it. In the morning my mom had a "Stella & Dot" jewelry party which was waaay fun! I got to see one of my favorite High School teachers, Heather Chadwick. She's the bomb. Then, my grandma came over to show us her new dog. He is adorable! His name is Cooper. My grandma is hilarious and so youthful looking you would be surprised that she is turning 70 this coming September!!

Then after my grandma & brother left our house my parents and I went out to lunch. We went to this amazing new restaurant called Hollywood Tavern, in Woodinville. I HIGHLY suggest it. The burger was only $10. BUT IT WAS AMAZING. I'm not even joking. The cheese was melted right on top of the bacon. Not on the burger. It was delicious. Totally worth it. We also tried fried pickles. You'd think you would feel disgusting after eating them but, nope! Gosh they were good. I give this restaurant a 10/10!! 

I love hanging out with my family and just not having a lot of things to do on the weekend :) So relaxing! 

Jun 13, 2014


Today I had to register for my classes I am taking in the fall!!! YAY?!! Surprisingly I am so excited. I feel like a nerd... I just am pumped to be learning and getting another semester of college over and done with! I am lucky enough that I got ALL the classes I wanted! I am being bold and taking 16 credits (8 classes... AHHH.) I probably will not have a social life but really... that is okay in Rexburg, Idaho. School is important, and I will have a social life with my awesome best friend Lauren :) We are rooming together and I am SO excited. Anyways... back to registration. So I never clarified what I'm studying exactly.

Well, I'm an exercise physiology major but I have to get my generals out of the way. So at my school we have these classes called "foundations" courses which is basically general education classes! But here are all the classes I am taking in the fall:

-Science Foundations 101
-College Algebra 110 
-World Foundations 101
-Family Foundations 200
-Anatomy & Physiology 265
-Anatomy & Physiology 265 Lab
-Anatomy & Physiology 264 Lab
-Practical Homemaking (I AM SO EXCITED!!)

So, for those of you who don't know what Practical Homemaking is, it is a class where you learn how to cook, sew and learn about interior design! I am so excited!! :D My friend who is taking it with me, calls it the "wifey class" which is a perfect name for it! haha. 

Anyways, actually signing up for my classes makes me excited for fall. I'm not excited necessarily to be going back to REXBURG but I am excited to see my friends I've missed while being home! I've made awesome friends there. Friends to last a lifetime! Well that's all folks! Till next time :)


Jun 12, 2014

Hello Blog world!

So, I've always wanted a blog just about my life. Might seem weird right? But I have actually a lot to say and sometimes its weird, random, spiritual, funny and actually helpful. Why not blog about it?! I have another blog actually that I use just solely for fitness. I don't really talk about what I did the past week, insights I've gained or anything of that matter. Just fitness. So, I decided I will be one of those "basic mormon girls" and have my own blog! That way, when I get married, start a family I can blog about us as well :)

Well... where do I start? I guess I'll do a run down about me. I'm 19, I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I attend BYU-IDAHO in Rexburg, Idaho. I'm studying Exercise Physiology in hopes of either becoming a personal trainer or even a nutritionist! In the fall, I will be starting my sophomore year of college...so weird.

Lets see... what else...I love love LOVE running. Its my therapy. I also am crazy about chocolate and peanut butter. Put those two together and you have my weakness. I enjoy the outdoors a lot. Fresh air is something I need. I go hiking, running, paddle boarding and even camping! Anything outdoors, I am down to do. I love to laugh. I am down for a good chat and just laughing with my friends. My favorite movies include Star Trek, Divergent, Endless Love, Blended, Batman, Iron Man, Crazy Stupid Love, Hairspray, Frozen and many more.. :) I love baking and cooking! Food and I can either be best friends or hate each other. It's really a love hate relationship but I do love trying new foods so I'll be posting stuff on here!

Anyways, that is just a little bit about me. I hope you enjoy my blog and reading about my life! Trust me, I shall try to make it sound super exciting for you all :)


My friend, Jenna and I hiking Rattlesnake Ridge in North Bend, WA