Jun 16, 2014

Fathers Day

So yesterday was Fathers Day! What a great day! First, I had to give a talk in church. I was so nervous because usually I am the first speaker, the "youth speaker", who only gives a 5 minute talk. But this time I was the LAST SPEAKER!!!!! I was scared. But I did great I think! I got a lot of compliments afterwards. Then, later that day we went to my grandma's house and had a BBQ with my brother, Cassie, Aunt & Uncle, Cousin's and my grandpa! My grandpa is being such a fighter I am proud of him. He is a sweet old man with a big heart. It was an all around great day.

My amazing Dad!

My grandpa!

Also in light of Fathers day we should remember our Father in Heaven who gave his only begotten Son to die for us. We are all his son's & daughters and should honor him every day but especially today as well!!! I found some great scriptures that I wanted to share that are great reminders. First one is in Mark 11:22 which reads, "...Have faith in God." and the second one is in, Mark 10:27 which reads, "...with men, it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible," AMAZING. Never forget!!

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