Jun 12, 2014

Hello Blog world!

So, I've always wanted a blog just about my life. Might seem weird right? But I have actually a lot to say and sometimes its weird, random, spiritual, funny and actually helpful. Why not blog about it?! I have another blog actually that I use just solely for fitness. I don't really talk about what I did the past week, insights I've gained or anything of that matter. Just fitness. So, I decided I will be one of those "basic mormon girls" and have my own blog! That way, when I get married, start a family I can blog about us as well :)

Well... where do I start? I guess I'll do a run down about me. I'm 19, I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I attend BYU-IDAHO in Rexburg, Idaho. I'm studying Exercise Physiology in hopes of either becoming a personal trainer or even a nutritionist! In the fall, I will be starting my sophomore year of college...so weird.

Lets see... what else...I love love LOVE running. Its my therapy. I also am crazy about chocolate and peanut butter. Put those two together and you have my weakness. I enjoy the outdoors a lot. Fresh air is something I need. I go hiking, running, paddle boarding and even camping! Anything outdoors, I am down to do. I love to laugh. I am down for a good chat and just laughing with my friends. My favorite movies include Star Trek, Divergent, Endless Love, Blended, Batman, Iron Man, Crazy Stupid Love, Hairspray, Frozen and many more.. :) I love baking and cooking! Food and I can either be best friends or hate each other. It's really a love hate relationship but I do love trying new foods so I'll be posting stuff on here!

Anyways, that is just a little bit about me. I hope you enjoy my blog and reading about my life! Trust me, I shall try to make it sound super exciting for you all :)


My friend, Jenna and I hiking Rattlesnake Ridge in North Bend, WA

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