Nov 10, 2014

Let's count our blessing's

Lately I've been seeing on other bloggers post's, that for every day of November, they blog about something they're grateful for. Now, I know I'm 10 day's behind but its better late than never right? I think its easier to be happy when we look at all our blessings in our lives. So many good things that our Heavenly Father has given us! Instead of dwelling on what we don't have lets dwell on what we do! It's easier to be happier than to be sad.

November 1st: I'm grateful for the restoration of the Gospel and the Gospel.
Most of you know, that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, and I wouldn't be one if it weren't for the restoration of the Gospel. Joseph Smith restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without the restoration I would truly be lost. I wouldn't have the answers I do now, I wouldn't know what this gospel is. I am forever grateful for the restoration! This gospel is the best thing that could ever happen to my life and the best thing that could ever happen to YOUR life (if you aren't a member or are!). This gospel brings indescribable happiness. This gospel gives me answers when I am most confused.

November 2nd: I'm grateful for my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
How grateful are we to have a Heavenly Father who loves us unconditionally? SO BLESSED. I am grateful for him everyday in my life. He gave us his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Who died for us, for our sins. He took on every single sin, hurt, pain, happiness, everything FOR US. So that we would never have to be alone. I am eternally grateful for him. I know that as I strive to be more Christ like, like my Heavenly Father wants US to be, not just me, I will be happier. Our Heavenly Father has given us so much, that we must not take anything for granted. I could go on and on about how I am so grateful for them. I am not ashamed to love my Heavenly Father. He never leaves us alone, when we feel we are going through something, he is THERE. He is always there. His love for you is always there whether we feel like we deserve it, or feel it or whatever. It never goes away.

November 3rd: I am grateful for the Prophet, Thomas S. Monson
I am so grateful to have a living Prophet who receives revelation from our Heavenly Father. He speaks the truth to us in our conference meetings. He is blessed to lead this wonderful amazing church and have the power to do so. I am grateful for his kindness and unselfishness. There is a story that was shared in last general conference where he had given not only his second suit to a man in need, but also the shoes of his feet. He was walking barefoot in the airport! How amazing is that? He did not even think twice. He teaches us to be kind and loving just like our Heavenly Father wants us to be.

November 4th/5th: I am grateful for my Family.
Even though sometimes, my family is crazy, I wouldn't want it any other way. My family is hilarious, kind, caring, thoughtful, weird and all around fun. They support me and always encourage me to do my best. They love me no matter the circumstances and even at the end of the day, if I am driving them crazy, they are there. Our Heavenly Father put us in our families for a reason and I am so grateful for mine! My family is the best I could ever have and I wouldn't trade them for the world! I love them so much!!!!! My parents are amazing. They support me in school (financially as well!) they make me laugh, they always know what to say to cheer me up!

November 6th: I am grateful for Natalie Fisher.
I am so lucky to call this girl my best friend! We didn't start hanging out, a lot until this summer. We first hung out 4th of July 2013. I don't know why we never hung out before. She is awesome! We always go on dates together, well dinner, but they're basically dates hahaha. She makes me laugh, always gets me to try something new and is an amazing listener! I can trust her with anything. I am never NOT laughing when I'm with her. She is an amazing best friend and anyone would be lucky to call her, a friend. I am grateful that Heavenly Father put her in my life when I needed a great friend because I don't know what I would do without her.

 November 7th: I am grateful for my education!
As much as I sometimes hate, BYU-Idaho I am so grateful to go to a University that is from the Church. Not only, is every building dedicated on campus, but I am able to go to church every Sunday and I am surrounded by people of the same belief as me! I am also grateful for my education because, I am able to learn! I am able to expand my knowledge beyond what I knew before. I am learning so many new things every day! This University is also available at an amazing price! I do not know what I would do without my education!

November 8th: I am grateful for the outdoors.
God created so many amazing beautiful things that some people take for granted. I love the outdoors and seeing new things! This day, I got to go to Mesa Falls, about 45 min, north of Rexburg and it BEAUTIFUL! I cannot believe God created that. He created so much that we don't realize and appreciate! I am grateful for the trees, the fresh air, the grass, the mountains everything! I am so grateful for the outdoors especially when I am at home in Washington because there is SO MUCH AIR! I love running outside and breathing in all the oxygen into my lungs! ;) Plus, I am grateful for the places I am able to camp and hike outdoors!

November 9th: I am grateful for the temple. 
I know I'm not endowed yet, but I am so grateful for the work I am able to do now in the temples! It is amazing! Temples are beautiful and amazing. We are able to do amazing things in there and receive amazing blessings!!! I cannot wait to get married in the temple :) I am grateful now that I have the opportunity to do baptisms for the dead! I am also grateful to have a temple so close to me while I am here in Rexburg at school.

November 10th: I am grateful for prayer.
Prayer is an amazing thing. I feel so close to my Heavenly Father when I am praying to him. Also, I am amazed when I receive answers to my prayers. It is AMAZING!! When you pray and have faith that Heavenly Father will answer your prayers, he does and he listens. Lately I have been seeing the power of prayer so strongly in my life and I am forever grateful for that. I created a habit of daily prayer in the morning and at night but also whenever I feel the need to talk to him or need a little extra comfort. It is amazing what prayer does and seeing it work in your life!

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