Aug 13, 2015

I'm alive and exhausted but I'm alive!!!

So, I made it to Lithuania!!!!! I'm here in this beautiful country! It was definitely different trying to figure out where to go in the airport. Culture shock hasn't really hit me seeing how I've only been here for 3 hours. But, I know it will.

My plane rides were okay! My first one was terrible. I get horrible motion sickness and didn't take dramamine till later on cause I completely forgot (my fault) and I ended up puking 3 different times the first flight.... yippie! But, once I got off the plane, walked a bit, ate something, drank fluids and took more dramamine ON TIME, I felt a million times better.

I ended up meeting up with another one of the girls in my group at JFK! That was really comforting for me to have someone else with me on my long flight from JFK to Helsinki. Also, that plane was HUGE! It was super nice too. I had an isle seat all three plane rides which I like cause I can stretch my legs out when I need to. Also, I swear that airplane leg room is getting smaller. Anyways, we got dinner served to us, there were a bunch of movies we could watch, blanket, pillow and headphones. I slept for a lot of it, but of course I'm still exhausted and look like I got hit by a bus. For dinner we had teriyaki chicken, rice and veggies. Then, a small salad, roll and some water! Then in the morning, we got served breakfast which was just this little small breakfast sandwich. The plane ride was great though! I sat next to the sweetest old lady. She talked a lot especially when I was trying to watch my movie....sometimes I hate when people do that on planes (never stop talking) but she was too sweet that I couldn't be rude!

My last plane ride was good, short and I had no one sitting next to me!!!! Yes!!!!! It was 1 1/2 hours long so I took another nap. I am going to fall asleep soooooooo early tonight. Its hard adjusting to a 10 hour time difference! I didn't realize how jetlag can really hit you hard. This is my first time every flying out of the country. So, I'm doing a lot of "first's" which is fun :)

Once we arrived at the airport, our local coordinator Dima picked me and the other girl, at the airport. I swear, people smoke cigarettes a lot more here than they do in Washington!! We stepped outside of the airport and everywhere we looked at least 5 people were smoking. That's something that's different. Anyways... off topic... hahaha Dima is so sweet! He bought me ice cream, a candy bar and a big water bottle to have. He definitely makes us feel so welcomed and wants us to know that we can contact him whenever we need to.

While we were driving to my apartment where I'll be living I noticed how beautifully green it is here. Everything is very compact and tiny parking spaces. This country is very much more on the "poor" side. Theres graffiti on the walls of some buildings but I guess they don't mean anything (gangs, ect.) People drive really fast here too! They're crazy! It is also very hot and veryyyyy humid here. I've already been here 3 hours and I just wanna go explore! Even though I feel like I could fall asleep any minute. I cannot wait to experience new things these next 4 months :) I'm grateful I had a safe flight and that I have this amazing opportunity to give back. I can't wait to share everything with all of you as well!

Stay tuned ;)

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