Aug 14, 2015

"Laba Dienna"

Well, I've officially been here for two days! Today we had our welcome meeting, orientation and more training. It was a lot of information to take in, but I'm excited! We start teaching the kids on Monday! I will be working with the "elementary" level kids which is about 2nd-3rd grade ages but they could also be up to age 11. It honestly all depends on their level, not their age.

The food I had today was good, but I mean not the greatest. It was definitely different. Very small portion sizes and loooooots of butter on food. We eat food at the kindergarten school and the cooks don't speak a lick of english. They're very scary Russian women. Annie and I walked in, and say "Laba Dienna" which means good day. They just stare at us.... we grab the food and its bland oatmeal, a banana and these coconut croissants (which are actually the BOMB. SO GOOD!!!) We ate it cause we were starving but, honestly it wasn't bad. 

Then, we went to the school and had a bunch of information given to us about training, lesson plans, the kids, everything. We got to meet the other girls in my group too! They're the sweetest. Dima, our local coordinator is the best. He is SOOOO funny and so incredibly sweet too. He was showing us where the bathrooms were, to Annie and I, and he goes "do you have medicine?" and we were confused and said "what?" and he says, "you know, for stress medication, shock, you know, cause the bathrooms are very ugly. If you don't come back in 30 minutes we will go find your bodies"..The bathrooms were scary, but it was totally fine! It was better than our apartment bathroom with the fact that you could flush the toilet paper down the toilet!!! Yes, in my apartment I live in, the pluming is so bad that we cannot flush ANYTHING down the toilet. Yuck, I know. But, hey, you gotta live with what you are given! I am just grateful I am here!! We also learned more about the culture here and everyone basically hates you unless you say hi to them first. So we have to say Hi, or "Laba Dienna" to everyone or they'll think we are stuck-up and rude. It is a very different culture here that is for sure! 

Then it was lunch time and we went to the kindergarten again to get food. Annie and I were so nervous to see the women again after our experience at breakfast. I especially was so awkward that I just kept saying "Laba Dienna" "Laba Dienna" "Laba Dienna" and forgot to say thank you which is pronounced like "achoo". So, the cooks just kept saying it back and laughing at me. I basically just kept saying "Hi hi hi hi". Then our friend goes "say thank you!!!!" So for lunch, we had this soup that was just straight up butter and potato shavings. I didn't eat any soup. Then we also had potatoes and meatballs which were delicious!!!! After that we had a break so we went back to our apartment and just hung out. Later on we went to the school and watched the concert they were putting on from the previous semester, it was so adorable and fun! They sang all these different "american songs". After that we met up with these kids who's parents are friends with Dima, our local coordinator. They took us around to city center and old town.

City Center and Old Town is soooooo beautiful! We just walked around and all the buildings and colors are just so pretty! I love it. We got dinner at this pizza cafe place which was, THE BOMB. Also, everything is incredibly cheap here. I got a pizza that had peaches on it... weird I know but, it was so delicious!!!!! Then we got ice cream at this ice cream shop and it was so good too. I got apple and mango sorbet. It was the bomb. My mouth was in heaven. All we did was walk around, talk and take pictures  It was just a fun day and I loved it :) I can't wait to see what we do today!

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