Aug 22, 2015


Today we decided to visit Trakai, Lithuania which is a little city surrounded by a lake, about 30 minutes outside of Vilnus which has an 11 century castle in the middle of it! There is another ILP school in Kaunas, Lithuania so we met up with the girls from there too! The castle is SO PRETTY. We got there and it was such a beautiful perfect day for it.

It was a big group of us. 11 total. So we decided to all split up and do our own thing and then meet up by the castle at 5 to go back to Vilnius. Annie, McCall, Shelbie and I all stayed together. We first walked around and looked at the little vendors on the sidewalks. Then we went and had lunch at this yummy pizza place. There is pizza places everywhere, I love it. During lunch we were talking about wanting to ride a sailboat but wasn't sure how much it was. So, we walked out and the cutest old man starts speaking Lithuanian to us so of course we ask if he speaks english, he did (YAY!) and he told us a sail boat ride was only 30 euros for 50 minutes. So, we of course said yes and got on! I have never been on a sailboat before so I was really excited. It was so beautiful on the lake around the castle! We also got ice cream after which was yummy. It was perfect weather. I took a billion photos of course so I think I'll just let the pictures speak for itself.

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