Aug 17, 2015

Smiling Faces and Familiar Hymns

Today was the first sunday here in Lithuania! Funny start to my morning... Annie and I probably stayed up way too late, okay, we did, anyways I get woken up by Annie telling me "Madison its 12:37 we need to get up." Half asleep, I didn't believe her and said "no you're joking" because we had to leave in less than an hour for church hahahaha. Anyways, I was so excited cause we got to go to the Lithuanian branch here. It takes about 30 minutes to get there. 20 minute walk, 10 minute bus ride. I was excited because A) I've never been to a branch before and B) I've never been to church where I'd have to listen with headphones while one of the missionaries interpreted for you!!

The branch building where we met was a tiny little red building. We walk up and immediately see two smiling faces! Can you guess who that was? The senior missionary couple! It was so nice to see someone who actually smiled back at you... AND spoke amazing english!! The branch was tiny. We walked in and I immediately didn't feel like I was somewhere unfamiliar. I mean sure, I had to use a headset to understand everything. But anywhere you go, the church will be the same. I found a lot of comfort in that as I've been here and its been a total culture shock/adjustment.

The hymn books were in Lithuanian of course, but I knew exactly what songs they sang by the tune! We all tried to sing it in Lithuanian because, we didn't wanna be the only ones singing in english hahahaha. The talks were about education and one person spoke actually in english (wooho0!!) and about BYU-Idaho and the pathway program!!! (REPRESENT!!) We didn't stay for all three hours this week because we had some stuff to do. But, next week for sure I'll experience all three hours!! :)

After church we came back, got some lunch, worked on some lesson plans and decided to go explore this lake near our apartment! It's about a 10-15 minute walk. Let me just say...the women here do not care what they wear at the beach. They rock the bikini if they want to. It was nice to just lay down in the sun and relax a little bit.

Then later that night I skyped my family for a bit! :) It was nice to see them and talk to them over facetime! So grateful I have wifi here that lets me do that!

Overall, I've had an amazing time so far in Vilnius! I love it here. I love the buildings, the cobblestone paths in Old Town, my roommate Annie and all the other girls, Dima, my bed, and everything! I still can't really fathom that I'm here for four months, but I can't wait to have all these amazing experiences and memories :) I start teaching tomorrow (Monday) and I can't wait! I'm a little nervous but mainly excited!!

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